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Everything posted by BeastyBill88

  1. I'm not too fussed about grammar, as I can read your posts so don't worry lol. sounds like the installer is broken, I know there is another place to download the Montana mod, but you have to sign up to the site in order to use the download function. Maybe that one will work for you, here's the link: http://www.emergency-forum.de/index.php?page=DatabaseItem&id=2271 You will also need to download the 2 patches (if you can get the installer running and the mod installed).
  2. Oh right, I didn't even see that link lol. He probably took it down because he released 1.2 a day later.
  3. The link for v1.2 that I posted above seems to be working ok.
  4. Hmm that's strange, how long do you leave it for before closing it down?
  5. You mean the installer? Sorry its been a longtime since I last installed the Montana mod as its been on my laptop for over a year lol. I'm not sure what is wrong with it though, maybe it got corrupted during the download. Did you try and download the mod again?
  6. You mean Mega.co.nz? Alot of people seem to have problems with that website, I think it might be based on what country your from. If not then someone might be kind enough to upload the mod to a different place.
  7. Definitely, only problem is that some people don't appreciate that others put alot of hard work and time into making these mods and yet they constantly bitch about little things and what not. Its amazing that this has been brought out so quickly though.
  8. Version 1.2 has just been uploaded (link from the Facebook page). https://mega.co.nz/#!PtQQyLDR!Ei3kQA4H_pOf3PnCeFqpL2FoV-HSbbKvOffPFJvohFw
  9. I'm on Xboxlive, but I haven't had Xboxlive gold since January. Been RP clans before and things turn to shit when people get power hungry, but good luck with it though and have fun.
  10. He means in the editor you will need to load the map, find the crash, highlight the objects you want to change and then I think its properties were you can change things, correct me if I'm wrong its been a while since I last did something like this.
  11. Thank you both for your answers, I wasn't expecting to have such a detailed response and regarding the manual speed controls, if it is like the way you have said Itchboy, then I think it might just make me change my mind about it.
  12. Bama would you be able to answer a couple of questions for me, just a simple yes/no answer will do lol? 1) have you implemented the multiply siren buttons like other mods have? 2) will vehicles have the speed controls like the Manhattan/Brooklyn mods have? Because I never liked them features (no offence to the people who made them) but they clogged up the UI and where a pain in the arse to have to change everytime.
  13. Hopefully the patch won't have any new problems, it would be nice to play this mod as I have only played it few times and it crashes on me after 5 mins all my drivers etc are upto date and I'm running on Intel aswell, mind you it is a laptop I play on so that could explain the crashing with your mods, but I don't get it with others though... Its strange.
  14. 2 hours? Jesus! I can't even play them for 15 minutes before I crash lol.
  15. Ok I think I just realised why I didn't have any of the new fixes *faceplam* I only downloaded the v1.0 of the mod and the 1.1.1 patch lol. See these night shifts mess me up...
  16. Thanks again handsup! I'll have a look on the FB page again, I must have missed it.
  17. I downloaded your mod along with the 1.1.1 patch, but is there a list of reported bugs so that I know what ones I don't need to report if I find any?
  18. If I didn't work I would do that, but all I seem to do on my days off is sleep and it would take me a while as I haven't modded anything in EM4 for a about a month or so. EDIT: Half asleep and didn't make any sense.
  19. I play ETS2, I got a few mods such as heavy haul trailers, visual mods for the driver, sat-nav, barriers (invisible barriers so you can't see that its a deadend) real lights mod and a few others I think... I can't remember to be honest lol.
  20. Good to hear hopefully it won't be as big as your last one lol jk. Looking forward to trying it out.
  21. Sweet mother of Jesus! I was expecting it until the end of the week thanks guys!
  22. nice to hear your going to release an Alpha Terrow, Hopefully I'll get a chance to try it if I'm not working.
  23. thanks for the info. Looking forward to the release this month.
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