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Everything posted by BeastyBill88

  1. I think your right, even the fire trucks look the same as EM2014 with the curved cab and more "open" windscreen. Because all the EM5 trucks are based on a Scania.
  2. Wasn't there also meant to be a BMW looking patrol car for EM5 aswell? Or was that a different game I saw
  3. I agree with you, because every Emergency game has been like that, people expected too much from it because of all the mods for EM4 and are disappointed with it. The dev's for EM5 have done the same and just given us the base game and left it to the modding community to add to it and like you said in the other topic, its only been out for 2 days and its a new game, new editor and a new learning curve so its gonna take a while before mods like LA, London, NYC, etc start coming out.
  4. I can't even play the game and it looks great! I love the animations and new things like the vehicle models etc. When I get a gaming PC they should hopefully have fixed the FPS/memory leak problems.
  5. I agree with vmz24 aswell, it was best to keep the topic locked, as Mikey has already had to delete posts within minutes of the topic reopening. Until the dev's have worked things out for EM5 to see if this can be transferred over or not, this topic is just going to get flamers and trolls and people pissed off because its taken so long to make. Bottom line is... If you don't like waiting... Go make your own mod.
  6. Don't worry, I can't model either so I'm sticking to skinning and mapping until I get around to learning things.
  7. Good job on the skinning Frank, its off to a good start. I see your using the Montana mod vehicles aswell
  8. Holy shit calm down! I know its a beta! I'm just saying there is alot of vehicles with missing model files... There are about 4 or 5 of the same model for christ sake... These duplicate models could have been removed 1st unless you are going to use every single one of them... And do as you please it doesn't bother me, if it was originally private then keep it that way if you're going to flip out on people for them giving you feedback.
  9. There is also alot of unused model files which could be removed to reduce the size still, 95% of the vehicles have missing model files... I think I will have a go and removing these when I get the time, so that I know which vehicles I can use and have in the game.
  10. Oh really? I hadn't noticed, that could be the case as they were from a few months ago. I'll see if I can find the gameplay where you can see the actual vehicle being loaded onto the tow truck and its not a tarp. EDIT: Watch this and you will see the burnt out vehicle on the back of the tow truck. http://youtu.be/Mtzu8mXvcZE?t=9m
  11. Yeah I think it just depends on the vehicle, if its an actual car then you will see the model on the back of the tow truck, if its like the tanker then it will be a tarp as its bigger then the tow truck. Ah ok I think that is pretty cool, makes use of both the pumper and the hydrants. I like how you can also change the amount of automation the personnel do.
  12. From the gameplay videos I've seen its actually nice to see personnel walk instead of run, I love the animations for the vehicles and personnel, The tow truck actually has the vehicle which it just picked up, not just a shape with a tarp over it. Has anyone seen if you can connect hoses to the pumper like in EM4? Or is it all from the hydrant now?
  13. A few people have, from what I've read the user face isn't very good and its difficult to find things. The guys over on the Emergency fan forums are working things out. I think there is a link in one of the other topics for it.
  14. Just wondering what role will the customs service vehicles play?
  15. Yeah it will be a while though before mods start coming out. I've read a few people where disappointed with the game, meh I'm on the fence tbh as I can't run it on my system so I can only watch gameplay videos.
  16. Hmmm there must be patch notes somewhere for it.
  17. Ah glad to hear, hopefully its fixed things.
  18. I think its because its a small(ish) team and they would rather see what the modding communities can made with the new engine etc. Its always been like that since the 1st Emergency game.
  19. I have and that was bad! They do drive through eachother, this was meant to have been fixed before being released though, so it will probably/ or is in the patch that came out today.
  20. You do realize that cones, siren control etc were only made in the mods, none of the Emergency games have had these in the base game, like marcoclusius1 said wait until mods come out.
  21. I saw that, looks like they are using vehicles based on their real life counterparts
  22. Oh was it? Lol nice video by the way yeah there was a few but not as bad as the video on the 1st page and the FPS will hopefully be patched, like they eventually did for GTA IV.
  23. After watching this gameplay footage, it looks better it doesn't seem as buggy so maybe the patch which they were talking about fixed things. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poYBVxhXRYM
  24. Oh really? Well if it does fix that and the other problems then fair enough, but they have had plenty of time to fix it before releasing the game.
  25. 1st of all nice rant lol. 2nd of all, I'm not getting it because it won't run on my system so I didn't expect much from it anyways and lastly. I'm not saying EM4 was perfect, hell it has its bugs and what not even now, but at gamescom they told everyone that the gameplay footage was still in Alpha phase or "testing"... Yet from the gameplay video it looks exactly the same from gamescom, they said that the vehicle collisions/pathfinding was because it was in that phase. What have they been doing in the last few months since then? In my opinion not alot. If its not 100% why release it? It seems alot of game developers do this now days. They have also made the game highly unoptimized (like GTA 4 when that was first released) so alot of people who have problems with out powerful systems won't be able to run it. Yes I know its 2014, but not everyone has a gaming computer or can go out and buy one. Anyway... Enough of my ramblings.
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