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Everything posted by BeastyBill88

  1. Ah ok, thanks for the info. I wonder if its possible to pickup dead animals and put them in the ACU like the coroners van and send it back to HQ.
  2. Not enough police vehicles? I see it as there is plenty otherwise you just end up with too many units not being used, also most police forces have several of the same vehicle in their fleets and I was just wondering about the animal control, weather it had a function or not. By the way, I'm not trying to brown nose or anything, but people don't seem to appreciate all the hard work that has gone into a mod nowadays, if the liveries are the wrong colour change them yourself, if there isn't 100 odd different vehicles, add new ones yourself. A Lot of hard work gets put into these mods and people just nitpick them to pieces and you wonder why mod creators/devs get pissed off... Bottom like is if you don't like it then like ENG51INE said don't download it or change it to suit your needs...
  3. Yeah you have to unlock/unpack the DDS files first, otherwise it won't work.
  4. If you do please just take the units your going to use and not cram 4 or 5 mods together like others have done lol
  5. Ah ok I know what you mean. I should have no problems on my laptop then as its only a year and a half old, and I'm impressed that you have done what 3 great mods on a 10+ year old laptop
  6. Won't this highlight every building on the map and cause lag? Or will it just be if you move the mouse cursor over a building it will be highlighted?
  7. No because it will overwrite the map so you will have to do it again, Because if you keep the map from the current version it might not work properly in regards to units going to station correctly. So it would probably be best to wait until the new version.
  8. That's completely different to how it is in the UK. But damn!
  9. Probably Paint.net, GIMP or Photoshop they are all pretty much the same.
  10. Yeah I added a few extra hydrants it did make it abit easier but theres a bit of a challenge there still as not everywhere on the map has the extra hydrants.
  11. very nice Mentor. Definitely looks better then that one from the LA mod lol
  12. Oh wow them skins look epic and I see the animal control unit... Can we impound the rabid dogs now? Lol
  13. Is it wrong that I laughed a bit too hard at this? Lol
  14. I can see your point, it does get a bit boring seeing the same models being used throughout different mods. But not alot of people know how to model, only a select few who have the skills and knowledge to make new models can, and because reskinning is the "easiest" part of modding alot of people do it. Now if I could make new models I would do it, but like Cola75 said, I don't know where to start. And scripting isn't really that pointless, I mean without all these new scripts such as all the LAmod ones, Limited water supply, etc we wouldn't have all the new features which we know and love today.
  15. thanks lol. Well its up to you my friend, whenever you think its ready to be released, either way I don't mind. Good things come to those who wait
  16. Hey Blackout, I was just wondering will version 4.5 still be released to the public or is it clan only now? EDIT: Just saw your post above.
  17. Your welcome, excellent work from you again only thing I will be changing is that damn ugly little rollback from the LA mod lol I would have applied for the beta testing but I don't have much time with work and all. That sounds like a good plan and maybe an early Christmas present? lol just kidding, I can wait.
  18. Yes like Miniboy said, you have to restart the game by quitting to desktop and loading it again because changing from 1 mod to another breaks it for some reason.
  19. Just watched TheNorthernAlex's video for the mod. Looks great Mentor! I like that you have added a new station over to the East of the map
  20. Don't get me wrong, its a great mod its nice to see all these different ones from all over the world and I know it takes alot of time and effort to make them. But like Mentor and others have said the negative feedback you got was because you just took 5+ mods and ended up with 90% of it just taking up space when it wasn't needed. Abit of organization would have been good and I understand it was a beta but still... But because you want to get so offended when you're given feedback on your mod then that is your problem, if you don't like it don't bother making mods or just keep them private that why you won't get negative feedback on things.
  21. I'm sorry it looked at me funny... So I had to kill it lol
  22. Glad to see the mod is underway again, looking forward to see more updates from you guys. That Ford looks great!
  23. I think they used the vehicles from EM2014 in the early stages of the game and then changed all the models to what they are now. They just forgot to change the menu picture.
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