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Everything posted by BeastyBill88

  1. That's true but it would be nice to actually move the truck to where we need it :/ hopefully there is a fix, because the same problem is in the WCCM v2.0 aswell.
  2. I love the mod, but I accidently broke the tanker lol. Also is anyone else having the problem with the tow truck having its move to command disabled?
  3. No i believe it is just that the vehicle doesn't have the return to station command added yet.
  4. Its an early beta it will be fixed for the full release...
  5. Thanks for the beta Mentor looking forward to trying it out
  6. QUICK! Someone get some marshmallows lol
  7. Looks great mate. Just wondering how did you get the camera to move around like that?
  8. Thanks for the reply Mikey. Only problem is my mouse is a HP plug n play one so I can't really fine tune it. But I was looking through the EM4.cfg file and near the bottom there is this setting <var name="s_mousespeed" value="60" /> so I might be able to fine tune it by editing this value as its only in EM4 that I get the slow mouse speed. But its weird because I never changed it (or knew it was there) when I used my wireless mouse.
  9. I didn't get any malware alert from Avast when I downloaded it, I also scanned it to be sure and its clean. I'll have a look later on as I've just got home from my night shift.
  10. I'm not taking the piss out of it, I was just wondering, other mods have their rescue trucks with the back section from a beverage truck.
  11. Loving the heavy rescue truck, is the back section from a beverage truck? Lol
  12. Hey everyone, 1st off hope you all had a good day yesterday and enjoying today aswell. I need some help, since I changed my mouse from a wireless to a wired one it lags and moves so much slower when I'm using the editor or play the game. Yet in other games or just using the laptop normally it is fast and responsive. Does anyone know how to adjust the mouse settings for EM4 so it isn't as slow, as it is driving me mad and I can't play with it being so damn unresponsive. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks Bill. EDIT: Just realised I have posted in the wrong section, please can a mod move this to technical related support thanks.
  13. Thanks I'll have a go tonight now that I'm at work lol.
  14. I'll see if I can come up with a skin while I'm on my night shift. Which model is it by the way?
  15. No problems, I think the Rockport mod also has a 3 axle heavy rescue truck with a vector lightbar, I can't remember though.
  16. V2 of the West Coast Canadian mod has a Pierce Arrow rescue truck http://forum.emergency-planet.com/topic/19050-relwestcoastcanadianmod-v20-released/?p=282309
  17. Oh ok, that's fair enough. The peds did look abit big compared to the vehicles in older mods. It looks great so far. Merry Christmas by the way Itchboy. Thanks for all the hard work you, bama and others have put into the mod.
  18. Not had the chance to play it yet, but the units look great in the editor, just wondering... The big rescue truck... Is it meant to be that big compared to the other vehicles? Its an absolute beast
  19. Merry Christmas Bama and thank you.
  20. I have to agree, it looks fantastic again hats off to you Mentor.
  21. Well said, it is Christmas people, so please just let modders get on with it, they aren't getting paid to make these for everyone. Just be patient and it will be out when its ready. Anyway Merry Christmas to everyone here on EMP, I hope you have a good day. Just spare a thought for those of us who have to work today ok? Lol
  22. To be honest, I would have just waited until everything was working and completed before releasing it, I can guarantee that alot of you are going to complain about missing vehicles, or things not working. But hey you all wanted it released now with a later patch... Just let them get on with the mod and it will be released when they say its ready.
  23. Merry Christmas everyone. Enjoy yourselves and happy new year.

  24. Wow it looks fantastic Mentor! You have done a great job there, looking forward to seeing them all lit up like Christmas trees...
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