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Everything posted by BeastyBill88

  1. Is it a building already placed on the map? If so you need to click on the building so its highlighted with the green box. Then at the bottom of the screen click the properties button then traits. That should work for objects already placed on the map.
  2. Thanks guys. I should actually post some more updated pictures/videos from the mod seeing as I have reskinned all the police vehicles properly this time lol I have also changed the train crash event (just added more debris).
  3. A .e4mod file can only be opened with the mod installer provided with the game. You should be able to extract that file to (for example) your downloads folder and open it with the mod installer.
  4. I've played on it for about 30 mins and have found a couple of bugs so far. 1. You can't connect a supply line to the ladder trucks even though they have a limited amount of water. 2. Using the drop stretcher command on the firefighters spawns a second FF and the stretcher. If you continue to click on the icon (just to see what happened) more fire fighters spawn, I think I ended up with about 30 FF's outside station 3 in the end lol. Loving the map by the way! Its a nice refresher of the LA map. Other than that I can't find anything else, but I will post here if I do find more bugs.
  5. Not had the chance to try it in game only in the editor. I'll let you know if there is anything to suggest or bugs to report.
  6. thats understandable, it will take time as they are completely new models. well from the standard of all the other lights I won't disagree lol. Hopefully they will be work for you when you go to finish the patch
  7. Your welcome, will be nice to see how the other police vehicles will be lit. Also (sorry if its already been mentioned) will the Sutphens be included in the patch or in the next version? And thanks for the fix for the tower trucks I was even looking at the animations and it just didn't register in my head lol.
  8. I do like the lighting you have done on the vehicles so far, very nice!
  9. What is this sleep you speak of? Lol I don't seem to get any between my shifts.
  10. What the f**k are you on about? When did I call everyone in the every forum stupid? Please engage your brain before opening your mouth...
  11. What people fail to get into their pea sized brains is that it takes time to create a mod for EM4, yes it might have been 3 years since the project was started, but like Goog said its not been worked on for the full 3 years, Goog and the team (and all the other modders in the community) don't get paid for making these mods, they do it as a hobby or in their spare time, these people have lives outside of EM4, yet because it takes time to make people (mostly kids) who don't have the patience to wait and then think its ok to disrespect the creators because its taking too long. If you don't like it go and make your own mod or don't bother following its progress, simple aswell. For one I respect mod creators within the community because without them we won't have all of the great mods that we have or all the new scripts, vehicles, etc which have been made, so thank you. Anyway enough about that can you tell us anymore about the presentation your doing?
  12. This version is work in progress, but v2 you can download (and there are links for all the other mods that have been made aswell) from the Boston Gaming Guys Facebook page here: https://www.emergency-planet.com/bostonmodguys
  13. Agreed, people seem to forget (or don't understand) how much time and work go into making mods for EM4.
  14. Lol the sarcasm is strong with this one... I like it its the best weapon against stupidity lol.
  15. I used to run a clan called Tri-County DPS back in the day, plus I named by Montana mod edit after it aswell. But I'm assuming your one is based on the real location? Or is it fictional? Either way I'm looking forward to seeing its progress
  16. Very nice! I can't wait to see what else you have to come. Haha yeah I saw that the second time I watched it
  17. excellent! I have also just noticed the detailing on the Sprinter van hehe it needs a clean
  18. Good Lord above! will there also be a marked version of the disco?
  19. Lol its all good I can do indeed, infact its already sent. Lol it was the 1st thing I noticed, after the vehicles haha. Thanks keep an eye out after the mod is released
  20. Are you crazy... Announcing it will jinx it lol jk good luck, looking forward to playing the mod and THVFD the ladder looks good, its nice to see a new model being made.
  21. Oh god did you see the guy with the tentacle arms in the video? LOL! Anyway, it looks great guys! Definitely looking forward to playing and recording this for YouTube
  22. Lol no problems I wasn't even sure what was going on to be honest, I was asleep because I'm working nights lol. But all is ok, they just passed out because their blood sugar levels had fallen too low.
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