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Everything posted by BeastyBill88

  1. Thank you very much looking forward to it.
  2. It depends on your computer if you have a fast pc it will only pause for a little bit, but a slow system it will take a while to load everything. Have you tried leaving it for a few minutes? Don't worry its not just you, I get when I try editing childs on vehicles.
  3. The police lights look great you mentioned that you removed some of the police vehicles. Is it possible to get a list of what is available to use? As I know in the current release there is about 12 (I think) to choose from.
  4. I have to agree with Flnn, there are alot of different version out of a Boston mod. You have Flnns one, both of the Boston Mod Guys versions and this one aswell. Its getting confusing lol.
  5. Fantastic! I love the water carrier I'm assuming with the style of the lightbar that it will have the old strobes or rotaries.
  6. It sounds like the animation for the outriggers is set to looped and not single. You can change it in the editor I think (correct me if I'm wrong... Its been a while lol).
  7. It looks great Mentor. I hope you do decide to release it, been looking forward to playing completed mod for ages well that's if I have the motivation to play EM4 again.
  8. If you plan on using the FCPD skin from my Montana edit which I send you months ago I would like to be credited for it please. If you don't have it then disregard my post.
  9. To be honest it doesn't really matter which you use because you can only see the polygons if you are up close to the vehicles, when you zoom out you can only see the coronas as the size of the coronas change. But that's just a personal reference, either way they look nice
  10. I used to be a tester for Palm Beach Gaming back in the day when they were called FRMods, didn't know they were still going lol.
  11. Thanks RCMP, I think I posted a video demonstrating the police sign on the 1st page.
  12. This is why the mod edits I have done (London, Montana, etc) are marked as PRIVATE. Because they're the same as the original mods, just with a few minor changes and new skins, lights, map objects etc. Plus I work full time on shift patterns, so I'm not able to work on them all the time. Also I go through stages where I will play EM4 all the time and tinker with mods etc and then other times where I just can't be bothered touching it with a 10ft barge pole lol.
  13. Hopefully Paul, I'll have to wait and see what Mincake & Sniped (and a few other modders) say when v1.3 is released. The police sign was just something I put together using the model from the West Midlands mod & the barrier from the LA mod. Also here is the latest gameplay of the mod, just shows some of the units (new lights etc) in action. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjnITRlxzVA Credits London Mod vehicles/personnel/map: Sniped222 & Mintcake69 Vehicle crests/Sirens/Police Sign: e34p & Scrivs Various Scripts: Hoppah Reskins/map edits by: BeastyBill88
  14. Thanks Paul. Lol I just had someone comment on my one of my YouTube videos regarding this mod edit, asking how much money I want for them so they could have it... Yes because PRIVATE means sell them to anyone who asks *facepalm* the mentally of some people on the internet... (no offence to anyone). (Also before anyone jumps to conclusions, no I wouldn't sell them for several reasons which you already know).
  15. Lol sorry Paul, was going by your username Glad you like it, it was just a quick throw together as I couldn't think of anything else to put on it.
  16. Thanks Jack glad you like them Thanks Pat, really? You like the colours? I'm still undecided on it to be honest lol.
  17. Yeah its a problem with Intel cards. I've had it since I got my laptop 2 years ago. No solution as far as I know unless of coure getting a new computer without an intel card lol.
  18. Morning, Here is the video showing off the units/lights for the police and fire services. Let me know what you think. PS. The colour/livery on the police helicopter is temporary until I can decide what to give it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fqn0Tkr3a1k Credits London mod vehicles: Sniped222 & Mintcake69 Vehicle crests/Welfordshire police heli skin: e34p & Scrivs Reskinned by: BeastyBill88
  19. Looking forward to the changes Scotty. Been following the topic from the shadows definitely looking forward to playing this, the units, the lights and everything so far has been brilliant. One of the few UK mods worth having in your mods folder I'd say lol.
  20. Hey Brandon, There is no released Ohio mod at the moment, but the only one I can think of which is still being made this the Ravenna mod. Check out the Facebook page for pictures/info. https://www.emergency-planet.com/pages/Ravenna-Mod/105709036223170? Hope this helps
  21. Thanks Thanks Gunswat, I'll just have to wait and see, but it won't be until V1.3 of the London mod is out though.
  22. Welcome to the forums. This topic was last posted in nearly 2 years ago. In future please can you contact the mod creator via an Inbox message.
  23. THat usually means that not all of the rar file was downloaded. Try it downloading it again. It tends to happen sometimes and like Scotty said try a different extractor if you can that might help.
  24. Can I just point out... This is in the Emergency 5 section and not Emergency 4 can a mod please move it to the correct place, thanks. On topic. What is the error message saying? That the file is broken or corrupted?
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