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Everything posted by FDNYpower

  1. oh well i'll look into it thanks for the info
  2. that would be cool like if they were serverly injured
  3. i just saw something on the news

  4. *arrives on scene to a high rise fire *see's a woman on the 15th floor hanging out the window * through's a rock at the woman *the woman falls out *i take the woman's body and give it to a homeless person *the homeless person gets there thanksgiving diner
  5. 3 minutes to release!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. less than a half hour!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Shadylasse


      Great to see it became San Andreas :)

    3. salvador.c


      I don`t know i think it will be San Abdreas, not los Santos

    4. Shadylasse


      It is San Andreas. You can see the LV countryside along with Mount Chilliad, located on the SF part, which means that if it was just red county and LS, none of these would be there.

  7. excellent looks amassing great job i can't wait for the release
  8. thank you so much I've been wanting to download the files but i couldn't cause the link was broken i'm downloading it right now:)
  9. 57 minutes until the gta v trailer release!!!!

  10. i just came across one of your youtube videos i've never heard of this mod i love it now congrats these models and lights are sick can't wait for the release
  11. this looks interesting especially since i love rescue me and remember the episode when Tommy's girl friend through a Molotov cocktail in his house you should make that a mission and thew nypd has to investigate and the fdny has to put the fire out and have Janette (i think that's how you spell it) and the kids out side talking to Tommy that would be awesome
  12. i love what you did with the manhattan mod website
  13. hey guys i'm looking for someone who can work with specs and removing vehicles pm me if interested and i'll give you more detail

  14. i think they should it would be a lot more realistic than the emergency vehicles going around them and backing up and stuff
  15. hi i was wondering if it is possible to add new events to the la mod?
  16. it just started snowing here!

  17. probably but if not than they'll probably put them in as a last minute thing like right before the beta testing
  18. i have an account so i'll ask and it looks like an all hands 10-75 to me but i'm gust guessing
  19. i'm creeped out i keep hearing bangs in my room and one just happened than my entire TV system shut down :(

    1. chrisblaalid


      have you ever heard of the movie called SCREAM? :P

  20. do you guys think you'l get a phone in this one to?
  21. what happened????? and where was this Bronx??
  22. just finished tons of paper work

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