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Everything posted by em4fun

  1. i dont know how i must say this in english but it is for places were no fire hydrants stays and for extra reserve ( the reserve must going up) time for scripting
  2. i have a idea, make tankers with water for extre reserve, i think you say bad idea
  3. it's not an ambulance, there stays brandweer,brandweer=fire dept sorry for my bad english
  4. i have a BIG problem,my sketchup was givng an error and i have removed sketchup and al my sketchup files are removed to
  5. an ford ambulance by rihis
  6. hi guys i have 2 queastions 1 have anyone blueprints of the dodge magnum 2006 ? 2 can anyone help us with modeling? greetzz em4fun
  7. sorry i am busy with my sf mod and i help takwando with a mod, i have no more time for another mod :1046275873_shakehead:
  8. you can't make models and you started an mod ?
  9. have anyone a site with a lot of bleuprints of fire engine's
  10. i tel you, how to make a car in sketchup, ONLY you will help me
  11. can anybody convert the tram(cablecar) 3ds to v3o? my zmodeler is grashed
  12. herem is a san francisco tram:P
  13. great model only this is an english topic
  14. we need a freeplay map like san francisco with a tramrail and lombard street enz
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