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About Brandweer_Rilland

  • Birthday 04/04/1994

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  1. okay i know that i re-open an old topic. last post in 2013 I have a new pc with windows 8.1 with intel i5 4570 CPU 3.20 ghz videocard: geforce gtx 760. but i am wondering i want em4 to install on this pc and if this is the right link to download ERS Berlin mod? http://ftsoftware.eu/de/downloads/ersberlin
  2. Hey, I started already with translate, but it was hard to make one so i quit with it. But if you might help, I would help, only i have this year my exams so maybe. I used pictures of the manual from the previous version of Wegberg> 4.0? but if you need help PM me.
  3. I was thinking to maybe leave the forum. That would happen that no questions could be repost

  4. Does one of the Dutch members know how to install an Jupiter Pro ? Please PM me. Thanks.

  5. Cant wait till the release, Its freaking awesome !!!!
  6. Release of Version 6 Here to download: http://www.feuerwehr-wegberg.de/index.php/simulation-emergency-menue/download-menue
  7. Right, I saw your post and I must say that I didn't notice that. I just follow the progress on Facebook but is from the german Emergency forum?
  8. I can tell that we may have end of this week or next week the latest version of Wegberg can expect. For more updates watch there facebookpage
  9. An little bite ( i'm not sure) Using for chemical accidents. The commander of this car will an the scene what the possible's risk are. Search for more info at google: Rogs 9895 and then the site BrandweerSpotters ( its in dutch).
  10. I can tell you that in the next few days/weeks new video/photo's coming. Thats what i saw on facebook @Gunswat In singleplayer you cant play ems only fd In multiplayer you can play ems.police and fd @ ERFD your right
  11. What happend with LCPDFR site?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Handsup!


      I was also wondering this unknown IP for this domain...?

    3. Brandweer_Rilland


      Its still down the site

    4. goog


      must be something to do with your location as it's still working over here.

  12. New update of the Wegberg mod can be found on their facebook page

  13. http://www.feuerwehr-wegberg.de/index.php/simulation-emergency-menue/download-menue here is the download link this is version 5.0 I guess they will launch an new version 6.0 when i dont no because it is very silent here and on facebook. You can follow them by searching Feuer und Notfallsimulation Wegberg on facebook
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