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theparanoid last won the day on November 1 2018

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About theparanoid

  • Birthday 05/14/1973

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    Planet Earth
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    HO Model Traings
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  1. recent window update add the setting into windows itself under graphics
  2. Been a while since I posted here. Got some nice shots of the PSP new paint job. PSP Motor unit. Out of Pittsburg/Allegheny barrack Middlesex Township Police car Lifeflight 4 taking off Station 16 and 76 Vehicle extraction demo Attack 16 Rescue 22 Ladder 22
  3. Are you in driver seat a did you press m?
  4. Been looking for new info on this since ganscom but have seen nothing Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. I am no Mac expert but most laptop it impossible to install a new graphics card. As for how to install it. Considering https://www.world-of-emergency.com/documents/mac_check_system_requirements_en.pdf "In case your Mac does not match one of the requirements above, EMERGENCY will most certainly not run in a satisfying way! Please buy the game only if all requirements are met." do have 8 GB of ram and i5 or i7 QUAD core at 3.5ghz?
  6. Well if recall they opposite what you expect so I would suggest trying it
  7. Did you try switching the 3840 and 2160. What about if you set it for 1920x1080
  8. Are you exiting the game and restarting it when switching mods? To provide more help we need you system specs log files and diagnostic info
  9. What setting do you have for graphics in the game. Have you tried lowering them?
  10. You have to login to access it. If you have no account you have to make one first
  11. Local fire Department got a new flag Pole donated. Also if you want to know when I upload new pictures the best place to find out will be https://www.facebook.com/photos.olesnevich.us/
  12. From Left to Right Rescue 15, Engine 15, Squad 15, Lifeflight 4. Squad 15-2 Fire Police (Behind Lifeflight 4), 45-1, Engine 15-7 and Tanker 15. Image taken from Ladde 15. Same line up from ground level Ladder 15, Engine 15-7, Lifeflight 4, Tanker 15, Rescue 15. Lifeflight 4 Lifeflight 4 side door Lifeflight 4 inside view side door Lifeflight 4 taking off Lifeflight 4 airborn shot 1 Lifeflight 4 airborn shot 2
  13. They show. Them. But the people talking about the game play and game play it self is in german Here a play list Bad news the game been delayed again. Good news there a demo. http://www.notruf112-simulator.de/demo/# Installer is in english but the game in german.
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