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Ok! Here it is! https://www.mediafire.com/file/d3zea7hwwrjr9dp/Los_Angeles_Mod_v2.0_4x4_-_YSB_V1.4.e4mod/file I don't remember anymore what changes it has from 1.3 but I'm pretty sure I fixed or created a water accident plus I fixed some other accident events. Enjoy!
Alright. I made the installer package. It's too big to upload here though. Any suggestions on where to upload it?
If you have v1.3 and want to post it be my guest but I want to post an updated version as 1.4. While I never finished everything I planned for 1.4 and I probably won't, I did add/fix a few nice events that were not in 1.3. Just remind me how to package it. The last time I did it was like 10 years ago. I've long forgotten the procedure and I don't want to take a lot of time figuring it out again.
It's been a looong time since I abandoned my work here. It was just taking up too much time, my computer was too slow, I got too busy with real life, etc, etc. I came across it tonight and I figured it's about time I show up again. Way back when I was supposed to release version 1.4 but that never happened. I did fix a bunch of stuff and add some stuff since 1.3 and I'd be happy to share it if anyone still wants it. After all this time I'm not sure if anyone is still playing this. Here's the catch; after all this time I don't remember any more how I packaged and uploaded the mod and I don't have a lot of time to figure it out. If anyone still wants this mod and can point me to instructions on how to do this I'll try to actually do it. On another note, if anyone wants to mod my mod you have full permission as long as myself and all other persons involved with the mod are credited.
I've been trying for a very long time to get a car-in-water accident to work in my YSB submod of 4x4's submod of the LAmod. I think I've tried just about everything but the missions just don't happen. Hoppah, were any changes made to the scripts or parameters in the new map that I may have missed that are preventing them from happening? Do any properties need to be changed in the water? Has anyone else discovered anything that may prevent an accident from occuring even though all the objects are named correctly? Incidentally there is a regular land accident (behind the northern fire station) that won't happen either. I don't know if it was originally created by Hoppah or 4x4. I've tried to pretty much delete the whole thing and re-create it but it didn't help. I've gone over the name of every object, its placement, its properties and anything else I could think of but it still doesn't work. Can anyone think of anything else I could check? Thanks! YSB
Hi everyone. Sorry for disappearing on you for so long. I guess a little thing called life kind of got in the way. I've been tweaking around with my mod and have made some small improvements and changes. I'm not satisfied yet with releasing it as a new version yet. I had some ideas on how to fix a number of small issues I've come across but I haven't had the time to really work on them. I do hope to eventually release a version 1.4 but I can't really say when. I really want to get those water rescues working first and I'm still clueless as to why they won't work. I'll keep trying though. Stay tuned!
I didn't know there was a problem there. I guess I never use more than 1 PP car. I'll check it out. Thanks for the tip!
That makes sense but if you call for a tower light squad I think it would in fact dispatch the Engine 7. Again, personally I never use engine 7 so I haven't tried it.
Installers are not so easy to put together in a case like this and carry some risk if someone changed the names of certain folders. Most people out there either know how to copy/paste or know someone else who does who can help them. Unfortunately an installer for such a submod is not likely to happen any time soon. Interchangeable units as you would like them are very hard to create. There is a lot of programming involved in making the logic of which truck goes to which space when returned to the station and where to look for a truck when dispatched, which gates to open at the station etc. In some cases it's not that hard IF there is only one possible space for a vehicle to go. Once you start with multiple possible places for the same truck it starts getting sticky. Especially if there are two possible driveways at the same station like you would have if you put all ALS engines at FS1. These things are NOT simply done by swapping some folders. It probably took me well over an hour or more to put the Foam Tender behind FS2 and get it to park properly. Changing units around in some cases can be a fairly quick find/replace in the scripts for one truck in one space but it could take hours to code and debug the scripts needed to make interchangeable units. If there is a particular unit that you want to have available that is not yet on the map let me know and I'll see what I can do for you. No promises though. You mention the engine in FS2, in my mod that was already replaced with an engine 1 LED. Someone asked me if you could still put an engine 7 at FS2 and I haven't checked into it yet. I may have left enough code behind that an engine 7 will park at FS2 if the space is empty. I'm not sure though. I'm glad you're enjoying it though. That's what I put it here for. Keep having fun!
Thanks! Point taken that the body type doesn't prove anything. As I said in my first post though my main priority is functionality in gameplay and to that end I find Rescue 7 to be very useful as is so I think I'm going to leave it that way. Sorry. re: charging a fee for dispatching units from the station. I think I will in the next version. I'm working now on making FS1 a bit more efficient. I also tried again to make the accident with the car in the water work and to make the gas explosion on the ship work. So far I haven't gotten either mission so I don't know if I succeeded yet or not. Beyond that I don't know if there's too much more to change in this sub-submod I still want to fix up the dispatch of light squads so they shouldn't be limited to the truck in the station. Maybe I'll try to get that into the next update as well. Look out for version 1.4 some time in the near future. Xplorer, let me see how long it takes me to get the latest fixes into the unchanged edition and I'll try to post it here as one patch. If I see I don't have time to do the latest fixes then I'll post the files I already sent you and post a second patch later. Enjoy!
Dyson, I PMed you a while back with an offer to help with scripting. It seems you haven't noticed it yet. When you have a chance look for a PM from YSB and let me know if my offer is of interest to you. All the best!
If you want to edit the scripts yourself you would also have to edit the ToFireStation script since right now the ladder is programmed to go to FS1. You would need to change it to go to FS2 instead. You might also have to edit the gate scripts so the correct gates open and close when the truck gets there.
The way I see it, having Rescue 7 as just a rescue doesn't really make sense. First, because you already have a USAR truck and Rescue 7 wouldn't serve any real purpose. Second, the body type is much more ambulance style than rescue truck style. Alternatively it could be made into just a 2-patient ambulance. This would give it a distinctive role and fit its profile but I really like having the jaws on board so I don't need an extra rescue truck at an MVA. I have to double check what equipment it has right now. It really shouldn't have any other rescue equipment besides the jaws but I don't think it has anything, besides jaws, that the regular ambulances don't have. If I find anything else I might take it off. As far as SCBA goes, truth be told, SCBA is NEVER needed in freeplay. There are no injuries to firefighters from smoke in freeplay even without SCBA. I wish I could figure out how to change that but that's the way it is for now. I use the SCBA for two reasons. First, I use the extra 2 ffs on the truck as utility guys. If I need some chain-saw work or if there are injured persons in the burning building or if I want to send a ff with an extinguisher into the building those are the guys I use. For a regular fire where all I need are hoses I just use rapid-deploy and leave the two extra guys alone. The SCBA makes them clearly identifiable as the utility guys even without clicking on them. Second, for every ff you have on the field, the cost of dispatching a ff from HQ goes up. Having a ff in SCBA though does not raise the price of a plain ff. By putting the two utility guys in SCBA they won't effect the cost of dispatching a ff if I have to do that for some reason. In order to add some challenge to the game I might consider charging a fee to dispatch a unit from the station (right now no charges are assessed for that). Not in multiples the way the game charges for units dispatched from HQ but at least the base price should be charged to give you at least some incentive not to over-dispatch and to keep your units in good health. Does anyone think that's a good idea? Can you be more specific on what units you want and which ones can't be dispatched? In this sub-submod most of the units are already unlocked.
Just use the Xplorer4x4 submod. It's already done there.
I'm assuming you got it installed by now. In terms of changing specs, I'm if you are using Vista or Windows 7 this a 'security' feature of Windows. You need to copy the file you want to change to the desktop, do and save the changes on the desktop version, then copy the changed file back to its original location replacing the existing file. I don't remember offhand how much of the Engine17 code I kept. Try to send the engine in FS2 back to HQ, call out an Engine 17 and try to send it to station. If my memory serves me correctly it should work. The one catch is that if you send an Engine1 back to station while Engine 17 is out, if FS2 is closer the Engine 1 will take the space instead. To prevent that there is one line in the ToFireStation script you could change that will reject the Engine 1 when it tries to park there. The engine might still try to go to FS2 but it will ultimately go to FS1 instead. To completely stop it from looking at FS2 there is a larger block of code that has to be edited that is a bit too complicated to explain here. Yea, a friend of mine told me the same thing. I guess I still didn't quite get it right. Maybe I'll get it right for version 1.4. Has anyone yet gotten the mission with the car in the water? I'd love to know if that one's working or not. I've also found another small bug where a diver goes to the SWR truck when you pull the alarm even if there is already a diver in the truck. you then end up with a bunch of divers hanging around the parking lot. I think that covers things for now. Enjoy!
You need to download and install the Xplorer4x4 submod first. Then you copy these files over the ones in the Xplorer4x4 mod folder with the same names. That's it! riverking100, thanks for the feedback. I'm glad you're enjoying it! Enjoy!
I just posted version 1.3 of my mod. Due to real life I didn't have nearly as much playing time as I would have really liked to have to thoroughly test it. I'm pretty sure there shouldn't be any issues that directly effect game play and there are no errors that I'm aware of but there are a few fixes that might not do exactly what they're supposed to. If anyone comes across any of these things I'd appreciate if you let me know if they worked or not. I fixed the issue where a policeman gets stuck with his gun out after arresting someone. The problem seemed to have been rather fluky in the first place so I'm not 100% sure my fix will always work. If you come across this problem in this version let me know. I tried to fix a car accident that involved a car in the water. There was a problem with it and the game never used it. I haven't had nearly enough playing to time to see if it works now so if you're the first to get it let me know if it works properly. There was a gas explosion event on a tanker in the water. The tanker was set not to burn so the mission would fail instantly but you'd still have to pick up some injuries. I tried to edit the tanker's properties in the hope that the mission really works. If you get a gas explosion on the tanker let me know if it results in a playable mission and fire of if it's still an instant fail. There is a pathing problem where Rescue 7 and the crane try to pull into the ambulance driveway before backing out and going to their proper parking space. I can't figure out for the life of me why it's happening and none of my attempts to fix it seemed to work. If anyone has any ideas please let me know. Any other feedback is always welcome. Enjoy! Guess what, you got your wish for the unmarked cars. If you put a deputy inside it will now go to the LASD station. I also tried to fix a mission that involves a boat and a crane. I don't know yet if it works properly but we'll find out soon. Enjoy!
Make a LABattalionChief script but make it for EMS?
YSB replied to Dominic22's topic in Alteration Help
The numbers I gave you are only for EMT and EMT SCBA. The Hazmat truck has other rules applied to it as to who can and can't get in so it should probably be left alone. Try it with another fire engine and see if it works there. Once you have it working on an Engine you can start playing around with Hazmat but you will probably have to do a lot more complicated editing to get the Hazmat truck to work the way you have in mind. -
I really can't tell you why your system is going back to Windows. There is nothing special about this mod in terms of how to install it. Keep in mind that the main game directory has a folder structure just like the mods. Make sure the files you are replacing are the Xplorer4x4 files and not the main game files. Also make sure the e4mod.info file is going into the mod folder and not the main game folder. Beyond that I really can't imagine what you're doing wrong. I have this mod running on my own system without a problem and I know personally of several other people who are using it besides for those who downloaded it here so the mod isn't the problem. Also, are you using version 2.0.8 of the Xplorer4x4 mod? I have no idea how my changes would affect earlier versions but it was designed for and tested only with version 2.0.8. Lastly, this was released as a private mod with no warranty. It was done for my own entertainment and I offer it here so that other people can enjoy it as well. I simply don't have the time though to hold the hand of every person that has trouble with the install and walk them through it step by step. I'd really love to do it, honestly, but I simply don't have the time. All I can suggest further is, if you have someone you can go to who is more of a tech guy than you are, see if you can get that person to help you. Otherwise, you're free to stick with the plain Xplorer4x4 mod, which offers an excellent playing experience even without my changes, and I won't be insulted. Good luck on that install. Let us know if you get it to work. Enjoy!
Make a LABattalionChief script but make it for EMS?
YSB replied to Dominic22's topic in Alteration Help
You already have the following lines in several parts of the script: if(StrCompare(Caller->GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_BATTALION_CHIEF) == 0) Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_BATBLS, Caller->GetPosition()); else if(StrCompare(Caller->GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_EMS_CAPTAIN) == 0) Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_EMSBLS, Caller->GetPosition()); The variable 'Caller' is a pointer to the object that triggered the script and tells you in this case whether the script was triggered by the BC or EMS. You can create an integer variable in the beginning of the function - int CallCrewModifier; then give it a value using the above if statement something like this. if(StrCompare(Caller->GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_BATTALION_CHIEF) == 0) CallCrewModifier = 7; else CallCrewModifier = 0; When you call for a crew member for a fire truck your statement will look something like this: v.PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_NEWLIST, DUMMY_CALLCREW, Caller, 3 + CallCrewModifier, false); Of course, as I said before you first need to edit the LAFireStation script. The way I did it you should have the following lines in the script: if (ChildID == 1) { Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_PM, UNNAMED); p.SetEquipment(EQUIP_EMERGENCY_CASE); } else if (ChildID == 2) Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_PM_STRETCHER, UNNAMED); else if (ChildID == 3) Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_EMT, UNNAMED); else if (ChildID == 4) Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_CHIEF, UNNAMED); else if (ChildID == 5) Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_HAZMAT, UNNAMED); else if (ChildID == 6) Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_USARFF, UNNAMED); else if (ChildID == 7) Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_EMT_STRETCHER, UNNAMED); else if (ChildID == 8) Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_EMS_CAPTAIN, UNNAMED); else if (ChildID == 9) Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_DIVER, UNNAMED); else if (ChildID == 10) Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_EMT_SCBA, UNNAMED); else if (ChildID == 11) { Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_PM_SCBA, UNNAMED); p.SetEquipment(EQUIP_EMERGENCY_CASE); } else return; You might make yours a drop different since you aren't using medics in SCBA. You also need to make sure you declare the constant OBJ_EMT_SCBA on top if that wasn't already done. Good luck! -
Make a LABattalionChief script but make it for EMS?
YSB replied to Dominic22's topic in Alteration Help
First, if you are going to play with the scripts you should have at least an elementary knowledge of programming in general and C/C++ in particular. I can give you an idea of how to do it but if you have no working knowledge at all of programming this is going to be Greek to you and you are going to have a hard time with this. You already have an if statement to determine what voice to play on dispatch. Should it be the voice of the battalion chief or of the EMS supervisor? That same line can be used before the CALL_CREW commands to choose which crew to dispatch. Alternatively you can use math and one if statement so you don't have to duplicate all the CALL_CREW actions. The CALL_CREW lines use a number to determine which unit gets called. In my version of the Xplorer4x4 submod a plain FF_EMT is 3 while a FF_EMT_SCBA is 10. (If you are not using my version you will have to edit the LAFireStation script to set up numbers for the SCBA units.) Make an integer variable and set it to 0. If the caller is a battalion chief (determined using the if statement above) you would set the variable to 7. Each time you call an EMT, instead of using 3 you would use 3 + Variable. That way if the caller was a BC if would be the equivalent of 3 + 7 which is 10. If it was the EMS supervisor it would be 3 + 0 which is 3. You could duplicate the entire file but that would actually be more complicated. For that to work you would have to rename all the commands in the EMS version, link those new commands with the right button graphics and assign them to the EMS Supervisor in the editor instead of the commands that are there now. That's not only a lot of work, that also leave a lot of room for mistakes that will be very hard to debug. I would stick with editing the script in one of the ways I suggested. If this sounds too complicated then you either want to just leave things alone or study up on your C++ before trying it. Whatever you do, don't forget to backup the script files before you make any changes so you could always put the original back if things go wrong. Good luck! -
Why don't you try the Xplorer4x4 submod. That's how the vehicles are set up there among other improvements.
Thanks for the link! Fair enough. I did some more work tonight and I'm in the process of testing. If everything works the way I want version 1.3 will be out soon so I guess I'll change the name when the new version comes out. I think I'll have a fix-only update for you as well soon. I also think I'm going to edit the instructions for this mod since I think some people are missing the fact that you you need to install the Xplorer mod and apply these files to the mod. Hex, I'm glad you got it to work. Enjoy!
Did you first install the Xplorer4x4 mod and then apply the patched files to the mod or did you apply the patched files to the original un-moded folders? If the game is going back to Windows then you probably replaced the wrong files.
Most were script issues, including 1. 11 was a VO placement issue that had to be done due to a fluke in the game. With the LRA turned back into an ambulance they are not quite the same so I'm keeping the USAR where it is. I might put some form of rescue truck on the southern part of the map though if I have the time. There are two calls where the boat is useful. The suicide by drowning and one of the gas explosions that sometimes blows a few people into the water so the SWR stays. The diver doesn't really get much use though. I haven't figured out yet how to add missions but I'd like to add a water mission or two. Instead of parking so many police cars at the station, put them on patrol. I don't really think I'm going to add more spaces there but thanks for the suggestion anyway. It should be possible to park the unmarked car based on who is inside but it is a significant amount of work. I'll keep the idea in mind but no promises. Enjoy!