In fact there is no more Sepe,Ilmari,'s FinnHemms 30,40,50 etc.. And i think it was Ilmari which was flying round there. Sepe is in Oulu and MediHeli in Turku..Aslak in North, but they are all "gone" now.
Like i said couple post upper " Brandweer_Rilland, on 22 March 2012 - 09:25 AM, said: Your welcome, But do you know how to use the ladder engine? I setup everything also an connecting between fire engine and the ladder But I dont know how to extinguish the fire's with the ladder engine, what do i wrong? >Take FF with SCBA gear and hoose & spray nozzle and connect them to engine and then FF can go to ladder..<"
Okay, one ff takes hoose -> connecting that to engine then taking it so far as you want it, stay there. Then setup the verteiler next to it (ff with hoose) and then the ff with hoose connects that's to verteiler and there is ready water line, then connect 2-3 hooses with spray nozzles there..sorry for bad english (tired.,)
I didnt do anything on that mission.. xD but tree on car mission tell one of your FF wear Schnittschutz and then he can start cutting tree, then clean up the mess.
Take hoose and connect that to engine or waterpost and then go the ladder and i self usually send engine, chief and rescue truck when more ppl, both of engines and ladder, rescue truck.
At all you dont need to understand german, maybe when alarm comes so you could know what mission it is. Yesterday at 01:05 when alarm came my firetrucks jammed to traffic