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IvaVPK last won the day on June 6 2019

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  1. I love it, feels so warm mod. But my only suggest is add couple more fire stations..i know you can use vehicle selector but still
  2. After seeing few gameplay videos i gotta say guys, very nice job, map and everything looks fantastic. It would be nice if you guys make public release some nice day. Keep it up.
  3. Can you please take real screenshots with your computer, not your phone.
  4. Yeah i guess the LA map model would work for the first release or is it possible use bieberfelde map?
  5. Yeah i just downloaded 3 files and made them to one file and transfered that to mods folder and yeah. I didnt see any new vehicle skins
  6. Well...I downloaded all 3 files and added them to one, but its still just like old one mod. No changes.
  7. Sorry about double posting but i have one question about this patch...i think its causing crashing...but im not sure..map aint sometimes loading at all and just hearing the voices of game.
  8. Well this was most quickiest mod ever made and cancelled.
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