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Everything posted by Thumper

  1. this has everything to do with the LA MOD as it is the LA MOD 4X4 so please answer my problem and quit treating people like kids.
  2. im running windows vista and downloaded the 4x4 mod. when i download it asks me to find a package to open. i cannot find anything to open and the download manager will not open
  3. im not trying to extract anything as i have describe what problem im running into.in READING post i see no anwser to MY problem.
  4. im running windows vista and having the same problem but when i download the file the modinstaller shows me what is downloaded and then i select the 4x4 mod and then it ask me to select a package in a different screen. please advise
  5. im new to EM4 LA MOD can anyone help?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LT.SacFD


      I'm sorry but this is not the place to ask for EM4 Help. Please post in the EM4 Threads. Good day.

    3. Ami89E1234


      *Sigh* Antonio, you have much to learn about netiquette. Although you pointed him in the right direction, it was completely unnecessary to answer in the way you did.

    4. Grim_Wizard
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