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About bmxchamp4

  • Birthday 02/17/1993

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    Pacifica, CA
  • Interests
    Sports (Football, Basketball, BMX, Skating etc.), Emergency Services (Fire Department, EMS, Police Department). Currently a Founder of an independent game development company named Forbidden Gravity. I like playing video games when I have some free time. I like long walks in the park and pina coladas LOL jk.

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  1. Lol wow, this whole time, the answer was right in front of me. but I didn't scroll over far enough lol! you were right. I needed to change the actual model path in the editor xD thank you for your help
  2. Only the ones I have copied. I have made 4 copies in total.. 3 copies of fire_engine1, and 1 copy of fire_engine2.. Now, when I change the .dds files for fire_engine1 & 2, they change just fine. However, when I change the .dds files of the 4 copies to what i need them to be, they seem to maintain the same .dds files as their original that they were copied from despite having changed the file names to the correct ones in the .V3O file.. So for example, fire_engine2 is supposed to say 102 on the skin, for the engine number, and that it does.. then fire_engine6 is supposed to have 302 on it for the engine number. (NOTE: fire_engine6 is a copy of fire_engine2).. and despite having changed the necessary file names in the V30 and what not, fire_engine6 says 102 on it instead of 302. It is still using the fire_engine2.dds as it's skin instead of fire_engine6.dds
  3. Which editor are you referring to? the 911 editor or Notepad++? The 911 editor is running as admin, not sure about NP++ though, never checked. No the files are not set to "Read-Only", should they be?
  4. Yes sorry I should have mentioned this. However, I did run into a problem. After finishing my editing and renaming the file names within, they still seem to be using the skins from the original copies (i.e Engine 3 (a copy of engine 1) is still using the skin for engine 1. So engine 3 still says E1 on it). It is very strange. I am trying to find out why this is. Although I have a theory. I will get back to you after I test it. **EDIT** Hmm, yes I seem to have that problem. I have tested my theory and it did not work. Despite having changed the file names inside the v3o file, the copies are still using the same skins as the originals. I thought at first maybe, despite being able to edit them, that i should unpacked them. But just as I thought the files were already unpacked. When I tried repacking the files to see if that was the case, it said it could not write the file. Any and all help would be very much appreciated.
  5. Will this work? So far in my experience i've not gotten it to work. It might be that the skins for the vehicles are tied to the specific V3O. However here is the situation. I have created copies of the LAS engine in the LA Mod. I have tried reskinning the copies, but they seem to still use the same skin as the original file. I reskinned the original file, and the copies skins also changed. Is this because the all the .v3Os are looking for the specific .dds file? fire_engine1.dds? **EDIT** Nevermind I found it
  6. Yes you are correct, but it's fine because only one player plays as fire. And like I said, I've made the ToFireStation Script work before in the LA Mod. I was able to get a friend on last night to test it with me. The problem I am having now, is the ToFireStation script in the NY mod is slightly different than the LA mod script. This is the order of what happens: Click return button, the vehicle goes to a VO named fs_fp[number], then once there it finds it's own VO that it normally spawns on in Freeplay, after that it pulls in, on it's personal VO, then has to face a specific direction so it rotates itself to face another VO named fs_vogate[number]. Now, when I click return to station, it goes to the fs_fp VO assigned to it by the script. Once there though the game completely crashes. Not even a script error, it just crashes completely and in the logfile at the end it says: ?Spawnpoint: "firecheck 18" blocked ?Spawnpoint: "firecheck 20" blocked ?Spawnpoint: "firecheck 21" blocked The problem is, I don't know what those firechecks are. I don't see anything about them in the actual editor so I assume they are not VOs. I'm not exactly sure what to do now to try to get it to work properly. Does anyone have any insight on this? as to what could be going wrong? Maybe Hoppah will know and be able to help?? lol
  7. **EDIT** Ok so I'm no longer interested in knowing my original question, it's not important anymore, what is important to me, is for anyone who may be interested in trying to get the multiplayer ToFireStation script to work for the NY Mod. I know it's possible because I've done it in the past with the LA Mod with a friend. We both have a lot on our plate as of now and can't spend as much time on it as we used to. So maybe the community can get together to all work together? So scroll down if you're interested to find out where I'm at right now with it. **Old Post** Hey all, I had a quick question. I've been enjoying the NY Mod with a friend the past few days and decided to edit the multiplayer map a bit to allow for unit housing. Just simple stuff really, and am editing it to enable the use of the To Fire Station script. I've done it with some friends before in our submod of the LA Mod so I know for a fact it can be done. That's not what I'm having issues with though. I don't always have people to help me test the script to make sure it's working properly. Seeing as it's multiplayer, I can't do it on my own. Does anyone know, or figured out if there is an alternative than having to get someone to join your MP session just to test it. I don't have a second computer that I can run the game on so that's out of the question. Any thoughts or ideas?
  8. Lookin good. Been awhile since I scripted 911 so I'm a little rusty. Otherwise I'd help out here and there when I could.
  9. Hello all. I've recently been doing some modding to the LA mod. I've added police cars to the police station and they are auto staffed at the beginning of the game. Everything works fine. Except for the frickin alarm at the police station (you know the one that goes off at the fire stations) won't turn off. And it's louder than normal. I tried deleting anything that would cause the police station to even HAVE an alarm, yet it STILL goes off and won't turn off. It's extremely annoying can someone please help?
  10. I know it has been a lonnngg time and I'm definitely sure you have figured it out already, but if you're still having trouble with the spawns let me know and I'll help you out. Can't wait to try this mod out!
  11. No no no.. To add equipment to the vehicles you have to do that in the actual editor. Go in your EM4 editor and edit the vehicle properties. When you do that and save it the unit.xml should automatically be updated.
  12. Hello all. This thread has long been inactive, but for anyone esle who may have this problem, You need to create another Squad VO. This is the virtual object that contains the vehicles and spawn and moveto VOs. And then in the LAFireStation script in the DummyCallCrew command, you need to add the code in. Also make sure you specify the new spawn and moveto AND the squad VOs at the top of the page with const char VO_SPAWN04[] = "fs_spawn04"; const char VO_MOVETO03[] = "fs_moveto03"; const char VO_SQUAD03[] = "fs_squad03"; and DON'T forget about the OBJs const char OBJ_PO[] = "mod:Prototypes/Persons/03 LA Police/lapd_officer_m.e4p"; const char OBJ_SWATOFFICER[] = "mod:Prototypes/Persons/03 LA Police/lapd_swat.e4p"; const char OBJ_SCOUTOFFICER[] = "mod:Prototypes/Persons/03 LA Police/scout.e4p"; const char OBJ_BOMBSQUAD[] = "mod:Prototypes/Persons/03 LA Police/lapd_bomb_squad.e4p"; ETC. ETC. Then you want to make sure you specify your ChildIDs so that when you go to Auto Staff the vehicles, you AND the game know which person is associated with what number. IE PersonList passengers = v.GetPassengers(); if (ChildID == 1) { Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_PM, UNNAMED); p.SetEquipment(EQUIP_EMERGENCY_CASE); } else if (ChildID == 2) Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_PM_STRETCHER, UNNAMED); else if (ChildID == 3) Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_EMT, UNNAMED); else if (ChildID == 4) Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_CHIEF, UNNAMED); else if (ChildID == 5) Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_HAZMAT, UNNAMED); else if (ChildID == 6) Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_USARFF, UNNAMED); else if (ChildID == 7) Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_EMT_STRETCHER, UNNAMED); else if (ChildID == 8) Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_PO, UNNAMED); else if (ChildID == 9) Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_SWATOFFICER, UNNAMED); else if (ChildID == 10) Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_SCOUTOFFICER, UNNAMED); else if (ChildID == 11) Person p = Game::CreatePerson(OBJ_BOMBSQUAD); else return; Ok so NOOOWWW you can go back up to your DummyCallCrew command and add in your code: (mine is for the police station) else if(v.IsCollidingWithVirtualObject(VO_SQUAD03)) { ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_SPAWN04); if(l1.GetNumActors() > 0) Vector Spawn = l1.GetActor(0)->GetPosition(); GameObjectList l2 = Game::GetGameObjects(NAME_POLICESTATION); for(int i=0; i < l2.GetNumObjects(); i++) { GameObject *obj = l2.GetObject(i); if (!obj->IsSpecialLightEnabled()) { obj->EnableSpecialLights(true); obj->PushActionWait(ACTION_NEWLIST, 16.0f); obj->PushActionExecuteCommand(ACTION_APPEND, DUMMY_ALARM, Caller, 1, false); Vector AlarmSnd = obj->GetPosition(); int soundID = Audio::PlaySample3D(SND_ALARM, AlarmSnd, true); obj->SetUserData(soundID); obj->AttachSound(soundID); } } } And voila! now all you have to do is edit the LAFireStationStart script to auto staff whatever vehicles you may have over there and it works perfectly!
  13. Yeah I FINALLY figured it out! tonight! lol. It took me forever to realize that in order to make them spawn in the correct location, I needed to create another VO called squad03. And then it needed to wrap up all the other VOs so that way when it does it's check if(v.IsCollidingWithVirtualObject([enter VO name here])) That's how it collected the information on where the spawn was and which spawn they needed to spawn at. I'm excited beyond belief lol this opens up a TON of modding i can do to free play now. Next on my list to add......... Parking spaces lol. That'll be fun.
  14. Anyone? I've been working at it but still haven't been successful. What am I missing?
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