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Ray the Wise

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Everything posted by Ray the Wise

  1. "Burrito" is Mexican for "chronic stomach pain".

  2. Found my Halloween costume. Hint: It's Nancy Pelosi.

    1. b2bomber


      Do you have a lot of pent up humor inside you?

  3. Hello randomperson,

    We're now forum buddies, whatever that's supposed to mean. Drop my name at your next party and mention that we're friends, see where that gets you. ;)


    -Ray, your forum buddy.

  4. Please don't mention barley. Please. I must be intolerant or something, every time I eat something with barley in it, I get a very bad case of the sh... the runs. I mean, it's a good thing I've got that thing at home that the French call a bidet (but which I prefer to call a crotch rinser) because it's brutal when it happens. -Ray
  5. Did I mention I was drunk? Oh, right, I did...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. EmC-Unit
    3. Grim_Wizard


      Old. Lol, someone needs to get the F*** hammer out.

    4. Ray the Wise

      Ray the Wise

      Funk Hammer? I'll pass, thank you. I don't miss the 70s, not one bit. Speaking of hammer, it reminds me that MC Hammer was my neighbor at some point. I'm glad I moved out of that neighborhood, he was a noisy fella.


  6. Drunk again! Take that, teetotalers!

  7. And there I was thinking the answering machine would take care of screening my calls. Geez!

    1. Ray the Wise

      Ray the Wise

      Anyone knows a good way to get a direct line to the president of Panasonic? I've been trying to use my actor credentials - to no avail. This guy's answering machine works fine - unlike mine.

  8. As Wikipedia would say, [citation needed]. -Ray.
  9. Someone broke into my toolshed again and stole my hoe. Sometimes I wonder...

    1. Ray the Wise

      Ray the Wise

      It's the fifth time this happens since July. And they always go for the hoe - only the hoe!

    2. Ray the Wise

      Ray the Wise

      Imagine my embarrassment when I walked into the hardware store and heard myself saying out loud to the clerk "Somebody's been stealing my hoes!".

  10. Unbeknownst to you, you were actually playing Sid Meier's Civilization III - Conquests. Hope that helped. -Ray
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