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FDNY Squad 55

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Everything posted by FDNY Squad 55

  1. Last night I tried to watch online tv when i got this error on Mozilla Firefox http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/2871/20110919224509c.jpg I installed Google Chrome and that error disappear on Mozilla, but after I uninstalled Chrome cuz I don't use it , the error come again. Any ideas how to fix it?

    1. Unit 42
    2. griffy


      yea chrome rocks and tht im sure you prolly either need to reinstall or update

    3. FDNY Squad 55

      FDNY Squad 55

      I tried several times to reinstall my M$ Visual C++ with last version and my mozilla too but with no success so now I'm using portable version of Firefox 6 and everything is fine

  2. After several renamed, finally succeed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There's a chase command which is very good but u should put and patrlol on police cars (just an idea) and would be good if u put more then one stretchers.
  3. It's not working, I got the message ^ again and again.
  4. @Rafael Everything looks good, I hope later to have more time to try it
  5. No need to be sorry for anything, everything is fine
  6. What is ignorance? The question is rhetorical Thanks for the clarification
  7. Most cars doesn't have wheels in the realese, when this will be fixed?
  8. That's the second such comment, here it first. I think someone from the team should warn him because that it is not right what he does.
  9. Thanks for the quick reply both of you. So, this cabin is a bit longer, compared with cabin from real picture or I imagine?
  10. How is called this part of the ambulance in which is the stretcher? Wag(g)on?
  11. Downloaded files, I made new folder in Models / Objects and put files in it, then opened the editor, loaded the appropriate modification and clicked of create new and after that I do not understand how to continue with next step(s)... Maybe I should make a short video of what I do?
  12. I try to follow instructions, but wrong somewhere and does not work.
  13. I like the site, good job as always guys
  14. The topic definitely grabbed my attention and it will ask some questions on it I hope not to be irritant So, I'm download some lightbar, folder's name is minihid and contains these 3 files: 1. minihid.3ds 2.minihid.v3o 3.minihid_.bmp I must copy this folder in Emergency 4/Mods/xxxxxxxx/Models/Objects? But in Objects's folder there is another 4 folders: 01 Equipment 02 ObjectsChildrens 03 Objects Equipment
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