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FDNY Squad 55

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Posts posted by FDNY Squad 55

  1. why? why should it be closed maybe we can talk here over other stuff what units can come in the next version or like that :P

    I think the problems that are detected should be classified, should make a list of all problems and work on removing them, not like now - every second complained of the same again and again. Thus the topic is filled from unnecessary comments. Dyson and any other of his team are doing an incredible job, I appreciate their work and respect their free time.

    That's my personal opinion. I do not want anyone to agree with me, just decided to express what I think about it.

  2. Thanks guys :)

    To clarify, none of the models were made by me. And the engine and its skin is 'stolen' from the Essex mod. I didn't use any photos for my own skins.

    This itself isn't a mod, but I may decide to start one or join one, once I'm confident enough with the skills.

    Can you upload images with higher resolution or any videos?

  3. Heyhey,

    Is there some kind of mission pack (that works with LA mod) for this game? I really like the game, but I prefer missions instead of freeplay. I would love some extra missions where you have to use alot of police/fbi/soldiers :) There are 10 extra missions with LA mod, but I want more :D

    I haven't heard about anything like that

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