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Everything posted by mutu

  1. I'm banning you because you didn't say why you banned me
  2. You can also use GTA San Andreas, download SAMP and go to a roleplay server. That's one option, other than that there isn't really a lot of firefighter etc. games.
  3. I'm banning you for using a smiley that juggles!
  4. "Defending your future", just a suggestion
  5. I'm banning you for having two 'i' in your name...hehe...
  6. I'm banning you because you have less posts than me
  7. I'm banning you because you don't got a signature
  8. I haven't really seen any of them, only heard of SWAT series, so I assume they're both old. I liked the movie SWAT though, that was awesome
  9. Mine is mutu123 But I'm barely using it.
  10. Remember that the servers are hosted by other players, they won't be available 24/7.
  11. Have you upgraded your drivers?
  12. This is great Wood! I can't wait to try out the new map
  13. Must have taken you some time to put all that together. Nice work
  14. Norwegian firetruck Tell me what you think.
  15. mutu


    I doubt I'm gonna buy this, because of the high price tag. Maybe I try the demo sometime, is it hard to get?
  16. I like multiplayer mode on both games. Since the producers of COD3 (Which by the way was horrible according to game reviewers, I haven't tested it ) made COD 5, they copyed almost everything from COD4!! If you have played the new game you see that the only difference is the weapons and the maps (I didn't like any of those). The only thing that's different is that it's based on World war two... my opinion
  17. Didn't like COD5. COD4 is much better
  18. Great news I never expected it to be done so quickly. Thanks you! EDIT: Spelling mistake
  19. Today I were going through the programs that are installed on my computer. I found some programs from "Apple Inc". One was named "Mobile me-control panel", I also got "Itunes" installed. But I have "Itunes" on my desktop pc, and Emergency 4 runs fine there. Should I remove the programs or?
  20. Hello, I'm from Norway. I have to ask... did you download and install an illegal or legal copy of the game? If the answer is illegal then we can't help you. But if the answer is legal then we can help you. Translate: Hei, eg er også frå Norge. Eg må berre spørre...har du lasta ned og installert ein ulovleg eller lovleg kopi av spelet? Dersom svaret er ulovleg kan me ikkje hjelpa deg. Men er svaret lovleg, då kan me hjelpa deg.
  21. Good too know it doesn't crash anymore. Merry Christmas
  22. Might check this out.... Add me on Xbox live: mutu555
  23. Now I understand a little bit more. So the civilians are AI, I thought they were players. Well anyways, sounds pretty cool...
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