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Everything posted by Reaper

  1. -11 !!!!! Seriously this can stop any time.

  2. -7 out and thats not including the wind chill ...... Nuff said

  3. Go to Walmart and the kid cant give my wife $ 1.09 in change as he was all out of quarters and didn't have 9 pennies. He had dimes, nickels, and 5 pennies oh and singles but he had to call a manager to get her change. I am losing hope with the youth of america

  4. It is no surprise to all that know me that I am a HUGE Halo Fan. Well I just watched a HALO Movie that I had no idea was even out and it was freakin AWESOME !!!!!!

  5. this is awesome cant wait will make the LA Mod really something !!!
  6. Multiple accidents all over this part of the county, also getting reports of a multiple vehicle accident on the 33 as well as other parts of Erie County. Please be very cautious if you heed put everyone.

  7. Well I tried my best to not get this flu but cant sleep, throat is raw, and these chills are for the birds so it looks like I didn't try hard enough

  8. It would be my honor to skin it for you please hit me up so we can swap emails and such.
  9. That looks really great and the rear body is pretty epic to cant wait to see the finished product
  10. I always wanted to live in Alaska ....... -4 out, yea feels great hahaha

  11. 6 years big man, where have they gone? You grow so much each week, I still remember the joy you brought us when you were born and each day you make us laugh and smile. Happy B-day "Rob Rob" hope you enjoy your day.

  12. Finally got to use my snowblower, that lil tank rocks !!! Had bout a foot to 18" inches and it didn't even stutter !!!

  13. Sweet thanks again for your and Bamas efforts this is awesome
  14. Is there a way or can the responding vollies have warning lights when responding to the station or do they spawn randomly?
  15. I live in WNY and many depts still use these to alert not inly the members but also the community ti watch out for responders and apparatus. We also have Minitor 5 pagers and text based pagers as well alerting the members of same. But anyways itchboy asked for audio so there is an example
  16. This was the best one I could find and I think it would fit perfect http://youtu.be/O1VV-bT2Chs
  17. This was my personal thought as well use this way to activate the pagers and the la mod feature on the atation box to allow you to actvate the house siren
  18. Is there any way when you call the vollies in to have the station sound a house siren? I really think it would add to the volunteer feel.
  19. Happy Bday Mom ... Miss you so much

  20. It's been a great year! Thanks for being a part of it.

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