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Everything posted by Reaper

  1. We wear our Buker Pants and Helemet due to good ol' NFPA Requlations on wearing a helemt in the rig and the pants were due to getting a second fire related call after the medic
  2. Feek like trash, didnt sleep well and my stomach is killing me

  3. HOLY CRAP !!!! Just AWESOME !!! A question one of the things I liked was the firebuffs from the older version are they returning to take pictures outside the firehouse?
  4. 4 words..... Granny homemade Lazy Perogies.... Hell yea

  5. Pain is nothing more than your body letting you know your not dead

  6. I feel the need to say a few words......box, shark,toast ..... That is all

  7. Unfreakin real cant wait for the release epic work you guys !!!!
  8. So it continues, Steph needs another ortho surgury for her damage braces..ugh this year can offically end now

  9. - Fire Alarm / Burglary Alarm Activations: Sometimes is false others.........well LOL - Car Jacking (if possible) - Domistic Dispute w/ need for EMS - 941 Call (Mental patient) - a 911 hangup call that turns out to be a fire or hostage situation - Motorcycle accident (if possibe) - Pedestrian Struck - Realistic Hazmat Call (NOT a fire but leaking drums or odor) All stuff I have responded to over the years just so,e thoughts hope they help
  10. Beef smothered in gravy and onions...... Hell yeah!!!

  11. WTF so my daughter gets hit in the head, has a concusion possible damaged her sinus area. Let's hope the scans so negative damage

  12. The work is simply unreal, keep it up cant wait for the final product !!!!
  13. YES !!!!! "Turd Cutter" has been reinstated

  14. Girlscout Cookie Time....... F@#* YEA !!!! This year I have a new "dealer" to support my habit

  15. You ever get the felling that your the only that that really gives a rat ass on how you feel?

  16. I have decided that I will be "that guyL from now on

  17. Anyone else ever wish they could just take a .50 cal Desert Eagle and blow away the first person that opens their mouth to you in a sarcastic way or is that just me?

    1. sgtmatt325


      i feel the same way sometimes so its not just you

  18. SWEET, only reason I asked was it wasnt on the pictures thought ya might have missed it, cant wait for more I love seeing this from my home town. I do hope you postmore of this and really consider releasing it as a submod.
  19. Awseome work fellas really have taken the origianl to a whole new level. Just signed up for the website as I didnt know it was out there . But I cant wait your your release and really look forward to enoying it fully. Thanks you gentlemen for your time & efforts.
  20. AWESOME !!!!! One Question though are you planning on placing the Buffalo Crest on the doors? Also may I say the Rural Metro Fleet is epic !!!! I really hope you plane on releasing this as someone from the area it would be a real treat. GREAT WORK KEEP IT UP !!!!!
  21. That is what is called a stump jumper with the brush guard its whole purpose is to allow the unit to dig deep into the high brush to get to the seat of the fire.
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