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Everything posted by Reaper

  1. Made the wife smile today and then made the family fat and happy with homemade cheddar broccoli soup ........ yum

  2. Pissed doesnt express my mood right now. All I have to say is if you fail your nursing exam you are fine cuz you will get a fucking job at Quest. How the fuck do you look me in the eye after "attempting" twice to get blood from my boy and then ask me if it is ok to try again. OF COURSE ITS NOT OK YOU FUCKING HACK I am so pissed right now ....

  3. So the master plan is to go my entire weekend off without talking so far a total fail. I am never gonna get my voiceback I swear

  4. Its easier to overtake a fortified position than it is to watch anything in my house.

  5. Can barely breath and losing my voice

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hoppah
    3. Tango



      You don't say...

    4. Handsup!


      "No, smoking is good for you! 20 a day keeps the doctor away!"

      50s male

  6. I cant freakin stand knowing I saw something & cant freakin FIND IT !!!! ARGGGGGHHHHH

  7. No sleep .... today is gonna hurt

  8. It has been 12 years now, We will not, shall not Forget anyone who was lost on this day. Those who made the Ultimate Sacrifice, those who were simply at work & those who were just in the wrong time at the wrong place will carry on in our Hearts, Our Minds, & Our Prayers. If you do nothing else, take a small moment of your day & speak proudly to the Heavens "Thank You". To the fellow Brothers that I personally Lost I will never forget you & I still look back on our meetings even though they we...

  9. Well that was a fun storm

  10. Any word on this been pretty quite. Just wondering as it looks awesome.
  11. Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward.Whoever cannot take care of themselves without that law is both.For a wounded man shall say to his assailant,'If I live, I will kill you. If I die, You are forgiven.Such is the rule of honour

  12. I dont think I can ever get used to waking up this early lol

  13. Made homemade Cheddar Potato Soup and Steakum patty melts and now everyone is fat n happy

  14. Nothing makes you raise your eyebrow more than when you see a Jeep with mudders on it, slogans that say "real girls like mud" and "good ole country girl" and you look at the driver and see a guy driving....... Just saying

  15. Well I tried to give my house a heads up however noone answrrs a phone .... Oh well

  16. Enjoying the day at Niagara Active "Touch a Truck"

    1. Handsup!


      Lol, 'Touch a Truck' isn't a great name

    2. Ghost Graphic Designs

      Ghost Graphic Designs

      I was about to say that... xD

    3. TacticalRooster22


      We had one of those in my town, too, haha.

  17. Well it has been a ling winding road... Lots of curves and bumps but well worth the ride. I love your more than the 1st day we met. So to my living wife happy anniversary

    1. Handsup!



      God that must have sucked, sorry man

  18. The boys enjoying the Carnival

  19. This is gonna hurt ...... If I am short with anyone please understand you have done nothing I am dead on my feet

  20. Dear god its early wth am I doing up bright eyed and bushey tailed? Wait .... If I have a bushy tail being up right now is the least of my worries ..... Sides lets face it does anyone see me being brite eyed? Cuz lets face it ..... I am a freakin ray of sunshine in your gloomy day.

  21. Any way you could advised someone how to add that to the Mod? It would be a great addition to an already awesome mod.......for private use of course not release

    1. Handsup!


      Sorry we don't all the equipments you have!

  23. Well another turn in the road ahead, push through and as always enjoy the ride.

  24. Well Bob wanted a Fire Engine so I hooked him up lol

    1. FIREfighterjr


      What kind of engine?

  25. I have the best wife in the world I love her soooo much...hehehehehe!!!

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