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Tamir last won the day on September 26 2022

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About Tamir

  • Birthday 10/10/2000

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    EM4/911FR, gaming.

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    Discord: Tamir#3469
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  1. this could be a issue. (don't know if its on purpose)
  2. found a bug, if a domestic dispute gets started at the bank, there's a chance that the suspect will be there, making them unreachable
  3. I have a suggestion, so you know if you hold control and click the call ambulance button it dispatches a LVFD ambulance, well what if it would be for BCSO also. What I mean by that is, when you hold control instead of them getting dispatched from the city hall, they are automatically dispatched from off map and the city hall unit stays at the city hall, don't know if it will be used much but it would be cool.
  4. So I created a little murder scene near the railroad, and everytime I load the game, the deputies that are on site there (in the editor they are at the scene) spawn here (first picture) is there a way to fix it? or should I just remove them? Thanks
  5. Load campaign, the mod works only on it
  6. @itchboy, have you thought about adding the advanced medical system to water rescue calls? Because you are dealing with one patient and you have time to treat them.
  7. Currently I believe there is no feature to suction water out of ponds, rivers, lakes, etc. There are a few ways: 1, connect a tanker into a engine/brush truck to keep it water supply positive 2, get a tanker to drop the portable pond, from there you can dump water from the tanker's water supply, (the portable pond has 3-4 supply connections and the water tanker has one) and then you can supply 3-4 engines/brush trucks with a single water supply, and can keep refilling it with the different tankers
  8. Will these scripts be added later on? (and more you showcased on your YT channel)
  9. How do I access the params (with the amount of calls and time and money), is it different because its in campaign? (I want to have SAR more frequent)
  10. MPFD Does not have "return to station" command, only HQ
  11. Have you thought about adding AMR? I saw they were founded in 1992, so it's good for the 90's set as a private ambulance
  12. Found a bug, when you spawn the 90's FD set battalion 4 will have lights on, you can't turn them on and off, its not even his ELS this is the latest version, 1.02
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