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  1. that would be really cool, but how about making it so that when you raise the alarm the vehicles go to the station. and still all of this is only possible with a scripter which they still don't have
  2. I am guessing that this is what you get when you are trying to install it. If you are trying to install it, this error occurs when you don't run the installer as an administrator. You should be able to right click and see "run program as administrator," just click that and if it asks you if you want to run it click allow.
  3. unfortunately I have no ideas on the scripter, try posting on the help section and see if anyone is willing. Also, not sure what your plans are, but if you do want the command vehicle you could just make it a crown vic, since you have the model for it and it is more common for a volly command vehicle.
  4. I'm not saying that they don't exist, its just that many volly companies do not have the money to spend on cars. It is simply cost ineffective to buy a new one for them every so many years with the number of miles they put on them. That is also why i suggested the command car should spawn at a house if you wanted it in there.
  5. It would be even better if you guys could give the chief the ability to call in those mutual aid companies. Also if it is going to be a volunteer company, I don't really think you have a need for the command vehicle. Most chiefs, or assistants, ride in the engines. If you want the command car in the mod you should think about having it spawn at a house within the town instead of the firehouse.
  6. haha, I like the NASCAR reference. Its a Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Departments S.W.A.T. vehicle. Yet again if I'm right someone can go for me because I'm entirely to busy with finals to find a picture.
  7. so as an idea for the water supply, what about being able to fill the tankers from a dry hydrant. as for your idea from a while ago that involved the taker coming and dumping the water into a portable tank, im not sure that i like that, what about just hooking up the engine to the tanker. also, what about having a smaller tanker along with a larger, semi tanker.
  8. While all of this is true and I completely agree that the functionality of everything goes down because there is so much on it, it is a good idea. I know of many companies that have paid EMS and volunteer firefighters. When that station gets a call, many times the ambulance goes out to, if nothing more than to provide support. This means that the ambulance gets there first many times, and anything that they could do to suppress a fire or gain access to a trapped person could be the difference between saving a house, or saving a life. The potential is there but I'm sure it could use some tweaking here and there plus the size is a bit big which cuts down on maneuverability.
  9. Nah, i just typed in "usa swimming pool being filled" into google images and that came as the first picture. If I felt better I would find a pic to post but, like i said someone else is welcome to go.
  10. Omaha Fire Dept. Omaha, Nebraska Someone else can go for me.
  11. haha, that is a good one mikey. gizmo719, im sorry if that came off a little rude. It had been a kind of bad/long day at that point and i needed a nap, lol.
  12. Well everywhere I have seen it, it is called a rumbler.
  13. Yeah the cops probably had the road blocked off for the movie since the producers have to get authorization from the city to block off the road. In regards to the siren, most people just chose to ignore the siren regardless of if they hear it or not. They also have a new siren that makes the seats in the car "rumble" hence the name rumbler siren.
  14. This all depends on what code they are running. For the most part if you are running code 3, you will run lights, but common sense should prevail and the driver should yield and make sure the intersection is clear before proceeding. Most people are completely oblivious to sirens though and continue through the intersections when emergency vehicles are there which is why most drivers due yield when in response.
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