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  • Location
    Odense, Denmark
  • Interests
    Emergency services

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I know a lot of sirens, but this one i'm not familiar with. Must not be that common. The wail sounds similar to that of a Federal Signal PA300, but yelp is very different.
  2. Love this mod! One problem, i can't figure out how to use hoses? Whatever i do, they wont turn the water on and put out the fire. I clicked on the water supply button and pump switch but nothing happens (i did connect a hose between hydrant and fire engine)
  3. As far as i know (at least here in Odense) the ladder is sent when they need extra firefighters on scene. They bring the ladder so they are able to respond to any fires directly from the accident if needed. Same reason they use it to go grocery shopping. So they always are on standby Must say the mod is coming a long nicely these days. Great work Benjamin
  4. I've uploaded EM4 videos here http://www.youtube.com/user/RascarDKGaming
  5. Occasionally i go out just for the sake of spotting emergency vehicles, visiting stations etc, but often when i get one on camera, it's while im doing something else in the city. I always carry my DMC-TZ30 with me when i go out, ready to catch anything i meet, unless i forget it. I have my own Youtube channel and Flickr page. Latest from my Youtube And from Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/rascar13/ Would be interesting to see material from others here
  6. When an incident isn't marked on the map, you can just click on the call in the drop down list of calls at the top of the screen, and it will move the camera to the area of the incident.
  7. New sirens available! I managed to replace most sirens with new more realistic ones Preview video (made up a disaster drill to get all the sirens going) Real life examples (playlist - open the link) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkbjWXKHLLY&feature=share&list=PLSdPKQx-R9LLpefuqOGwZ8IPgsroZRElu Download https://www.dropbox....by RascarDK.rar
  8. Why exactly does that matter?Looking forward to see first pictures
  9. I agree, its annoying you get bombarded with for example 2 serious car accidents and a big fire within 2 minutes... how are you supposed to deal with them all without going down with stress? Otherwise, fantastic mod!
  10. Looks good. Looks exactly like a typical Odense downtown street
  11. It is indeed nice See MR1 (MR4's twin, same model) in action IRL here (Nissan Pathfinder - Battalion Chief 2 is also in 2nd video) By redningsstation By RascarDK (me)
  12. Both username and password is "billeder". Its just the old beredskabsbilleder.
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