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About RYAN433PK

  • Birthday August 28

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    Saskatoon, Sk, Canada

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  1. When I see that banner all I can think of is "Mernhertin Merd"
  2. You shouldn't try to jump right into making a mod. Most of the modders here practiced for a long time before taking on a project. Use the tutorial section. Good luck in the future!
  3. Built a brand new gaming computer :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Handsup!


      Hope it goes well, enjoy!

    3. griffy
    4. RYAN433PK


      AMD 965 Black editon 3.4ghz

      8 gb Gskill gaming ram

      Sapphire Radeon HD 6670

  4. Hopefully my new computer arrives before this mod is released.
  5. I have never seen a tactical response like that. 7 unmarked cps ERT suburbans, around 25 patrol members and 15 ERT guys.

    1. Semper Fidelis

      Semper Fidelis

      Where did you see them? In a Afghaninstan in USA ? :P

  6. Calgary tomorrow! pumped.

  7. Calgary tomorrow! pumped.

  8. I really like Cops scripts, adds a whole nother sense of realism to the game.
  9. Wow. You guys have got shit done. Bravo.
  10. If you can start reskinning and go from there i'm sure people would help.
  11. Wow, what a great 1st post. You may want to read this before posting again. I'm sure when a mod sees your post you'll have some time to do so. http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?app=tos
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