On christmas We will release a Demo-Version of the Modification! This Demo won't conatin all the features we have made, or we want to make! This Demo ist for you to get a few Impressions of the Modification! Here is a Vid of the Gameplay in this Version:
They have SCBA and also Command-Vehicles! The next whole-Time Fire Station ist ca. 25 km away! The Voluunteers are doing everything here. They have SCBA, and they have Command-Vehicles!
A few numbers: Data volume: 1,79 Gb Employment: ca. 7800 hours Datas : 6715 Folders : 1130 Helpers : 47 Size of Script-Folder: ca. 1,6 Mb Script-Lines : 23649 Prototypes: 1975 Beta-Testtime: ca. 250 hours Development Progress: 90%
Your absolutly allowed to critizise the mod Normally every Vehicle has the System, but in the run of the Progress of the radio traffic this Status-Message is mostly transmitted verbal. Greets
Yesterday it was so far The new rescue truck was handed over to the fire department Wegberg and consecrated! takes photos of the vehicle can be found here: [url = 'http://loeschzug1-wegberg.de/fahrzeuge_rw_neu.html'] click [/ url] I also have the work suspended at the script to bring this RW into the Mod! The result you see here: Modell/GT: Chidea Childs: Chidea Skin: Marco24 Praise and Criticism wished!