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Everything posted by squamishfire

  1. hey all... I have LA Mod v2.0 (er with patch) up for 3 other players... it is on a public so no password... come on in... will wait 15 minutes from now then close it down.
  2. any updates on this? it could be cool to have a third fire station.
  3. Yea I saw the truck that you are mentioning... I would term it more of a Utility truck then I would a satellite truck. It is the truck with all the Extra Foam containers right? The sea grave truck is gonna look sweet man!!!
  4. Your sattelite truck looks like a utility support truck.
  5. The coach bus normally is a mass support unit in that it acts like a mobile command post in real life... although I have seen them used as mass casualty incidents... it all depends on how they work it into the game... I know base off one remodeler (I can't remember his name) he made something similar as a mass transport unit. I am not sure how these guys worked it in. I for one am waiting for this as well... and tend to get a bit worried when there is no updates for months on end. but never the less looks good and can't wait to play it.
  6. Looking good!!! Can't wait to play it!!
  7. Hey guys, Just a note I managed to get everything working on my end... thanks for all the help Hope I didn't annoy to many people. Cheers
  8. Okay... so a Codec is part of a media center correct... so ie winamp... windows media player? or if not what would it come up as under the programs and features, I have had a look and couldn't find anything. Blw thanks for all help you are giving to me xplorer4x4.
  9. Might be a stupid question... but how do I get rid of them??
  10. That is affirmative there is some codec basic packs in this computer when I do a search for them.
  11. OMG OMG OMG OMG This is gonna be sweet!!! I am a volunteer with Squamish Fire Rescue which is about 45 minutes north of Vancouver... I would so enjoy this mod if it comes out
  12. Okay funny story... I downloaded the drivers (guess I needed new ones... thank you) got it to work... was playing the la mod for a while... then got confused so I opened the game to play the tutorial everything was running good... went back to play the LA mod... and now we are right back at the beginning... reinstalled the new drivers... no luck... suggestions?? new log file and dxdiag uploaded EDIT: Hmmm okay so I did some checking... and it is only with the LA MOD will it now run... it runs on the regular program... even if I go into the regular program and try to go to the mod it kicks me out... I have downloaded the patch and uninstalled it and reinstalled it... suggestions please. Thanks so much guys.
  13. Hello all... I am either really stupid or just can't understand what I need to do. I have windows 7 on this computer (upgraded from vista) and from what I can tell all my drivers are up to date and I have tried the compatibility. After doing the compatibility it starts but then cuts off right away. Giving you my log files now. DirectX is fine. Thanks
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