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Everything posted by squamishfire

  1. okay lets see if my college is going to be nice to me again

  2. ... once when you allow passengers in the traits you need to go into the unit xml folder and add which characters you want it in. Here is something to read up on follow it and you will have no problem.http://forum.emergency-planet.com/index.php?/tutorials/article/1-emergency-4-adding-vehicles/ again good luck
  3. what you need to do is go into the trait file in editor and add Passangers (no more than 6) thats why the FF won't enter the truck and when you spawn the said truck it doesn't have any FF.
  4. God I hate college english

  5. Can't sleep!

    1. goog


      did you take the viagra in the post below yours? LOL

    2. goog


      it's generic...it may have adverse reactions.

  6. Lol no... spartan has several different cabs the Gladiator class has any where between a 12 " to a 24" raised cab... this is nice for when you are trying to put on an airpack before the truck leaves the station. I have been in trucks with flat roofs and it isn't nice. Raised roofs are good. also a lot of Dept are now starting to put their pump panels inside the cab as well.
  7. Is this with any mod or just the one you are currently trying to play? If it is the whole entire game delete it total as in, "computer/control panel/install & uninstall." Delete the download and any mods u have. Then re download everything from scratch. If that doesn't help once when I get everything back in keep the game on and hit alt + tab to go out to windows and see if for some reason the game is muting. I have had it happen to me before on a previous game. Good luck
  8. It was actually a collaboration of three or four people. Mikeypi newfoundking hoppa and someone else I believe. I know there were a few. Good luck on your mod:)
  9. innnnnnteresting... I remember when they releasted the.... what ever version they had done and people had so many issues they were going to dumb it down for slower machines. All well. I guess another disappointment in that end. At least you are willing to take up the torch. Are you planning on keeping all the scrips from the Manhat mod or are you going to keep it just the LA Mod scrips?
  10. No its not even explorer said so himself if I remember. You can never ever have a perfect traffic flow when they are crossing, something is always bound to happen.
  11. Okay wait I thought they were already on the process of doing this?
  12. Negitive... VFR doesn't have any LaFrances as front line units... they may have some spares but I don't think so.
  13. um pal I am not the person that made this mod... I am a person that can help you with cop missions but I need to know which missions you need.
  14. Actually CFD this is not the case... all FF with in SFR are trained to either First Responder or OFA level 3 as a pre requirement to join. SOME FFs go and train themselves as a EMT so that way they have high level of training but most don't because they will never use that line of work within the fire department. Also Engines/quints/tower 1 will be dispatched out on a medical call as well because ALL trucks within SFR have medical supplies on them. The Rescues will not just be dispatched out. In regards to a rescue engine. It is eaiser this way to have a rescue pumper so that way you don't have to call in a engine to provide fire protection at a MVA because really inless it is a entrapment 4 guys are able to handle it safely if it is a one vehicle mva... two with injuries is a little bit different. But yea... I think I rambled a bit there.
  15. Gunswat how about you give him a little bit more than that pal seriously. rodlarose go the specs folder and into the FP_params_endless file (open in note pad or a word pad doc) and when you go down you will see the events and enable event. It will either be a 0 or a 1.... if it is a 0 you will want a 1 if you want to enable it. if your not sure let me know if you want me to do it and I can for you. I just need to know which events you want.
  16. Actually in all likely hood of SFR requesting a mutual aid from NVCFD is pretty rare considering that NVCFD would have to go through either VFRS (Vancouver Fire Rescue Service) or Burnaby Fire, and Port Coquitlam Fire Rescues fire districts just to get to Surrey. But hey I like more trucks and seeing as how we don't really have a American LaFrance pumper (as far as I know we only have the tiller truck portion) I am not gonna fight it
  17. Actually there is only a year difference between Engine 9 year and the year you have so it could actually be engine 9
  18. Drool drool drool. So you mean north vancouver city engine 10 right north Vancouver has a city and a district fire department
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