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About Eddieman

  • Birthday December 8

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  1. Thank you for the comment. I have tried to move the Turnto VO's in multiple spots and I even rotated the firestation and they still do the same thing. If I turn the firestation around they face the right direction but they still will not park in side the station and the doors will not open.
  2. No I did not move the VO's. I have attached the pictures and the files (scripts) for someone to maybe help me out.
  3. I am using a different freeplay map. I set up the firestation the same way as the LAMod Firestation but in a different location. All the vehicles in my firestation and also my 2 ambulances parked at the hospital are all parked backwards. When I take them out of the station and when they return they park at the backdoor and the door will not open the same thing happens to the 5 vehicles parked behind the station. They stop on the turn to VO and stop. When this happens I get a script error that says: "LAtoFirestationA91426 Error Symbol CP2 is not defined in current scope" then when I push retry I get another error message saying: "LAtoFirestationA91426 file mod scripts game command LAtoFirestation.scriptA91416 line 589" When I look up line 589 it looks like it is looking for coordinates of the firestation. I noticed that when I click on a Firetruck in the firestation the tofirestation command is lite up and that is not the case when I look at the LAMod firestation the tofirestation command is not lite up with the original mod. Has anyone else ever had this problem and if so, could you please help me out? I have attached pictures of the vehicles parking backwards and pictures of the VOs and gates. I have also included all 3 scripts. LAFirestationfoler.zip
  4. I did not change any Vo names or positions. They are copied from the LAmod game. My firestation is in the exact same position just on a different map. The reason I am using the campaign map is because I do not have any other maps to use. I made a back up of my script. I did make those VO changes listed above but it did not work so I changed them back.
  5. I know your script is working as I got the tiller trailer back so thank you very much, but I downloaded it and it is still doing the same thing. So now I have a couple problems/questions for you. How hard would it be to remove the tiller to put a 2nd ladder in as I do have 2 different v3o models, textures and protypes for trucks. The one that is in the LA game and ladder 461. I have looked at least 10 times now for an extra VO that is making all the vehicles park backwards. I added the 2 ARM Ambulances to the hospital they are parking the exact same way I even tried changing the VO gate turn to, to a different VO gate to vo gate 10 and I edited the script so that all the ambulances and vehicles that park in the firestation would use that same turn to and then I placed that vo turn to the edge of the map and it did not work. I am using the campaign map and I am pretty much at the point of starting over on the map or choosing a different map. Is there a different map that I should be using or could use? Every vehicle I put on this map all park the same way they do now which is backwards, no matter where their vo is. Is there any kind of hidden values on this map that is making these vehicles park like this?
  6. Here is the zipped file you asked for. Please let me know if it worked for you. I left the station in the same position and have not touched it. LAToFireStation.zip
  7. I am having a very similar problem. I made a new freeplay map and I use the LAFirestation and all the vo's are the same as the original LAMod for now. I just thought I would use this to see if it would work on my map. My problem is that the personnel is spawning and the vehicles are all spawning in the right spots but all facing the wrong direction and when I take them out of the firestation and have them return to the firestation they stop at the back door and the back door will not open and they do not enter. The fire chief and other vehicles that park in the back of the station return to their spots but they will not park on the vo Bat Chiefs spot they stop and park in the Bat Chief 2 spot which is in front. What am I doing wrong?
  8. I was working on a script and I got this error Script Error on LAtoFirestation Script ~ Script on line 589 I get this when going to the firestation When I go to the the script line 589 says this if (math::dist(pos. x,pos. y cp1. getposition().x, cp1. getposition().y)>math::dist(pos. x, pos. y, cp2.getposition().x, cp2 getposition().y)) Could someone please explain this to me. I am confused. It only happens when I want the firetrucks to go to the firestation but won't go back.
  9. I am in the process of making my own mod. Have alot of stuff done and working on my map. I am looking for someone that knows how to script so please contact me if you know anyone that can script or if you know how to script.

  10. Please closed this thread as I solved it myself
  11. I would like some help with this. I am not able to get my fire fighters to connect the hoses to the engine nor the water tender. The engines I am using are the LA Engines that I reskinned. The USFS and the brush patrol 01 will connect their hoses to the their trucks. I did not alter fire engine attachhoses script or change the names yet of any of my fire trucks as I wanted to see if they would work on my map. What am I doing wrong or what did I do wrong?? Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. I did search the forum with the word Hose Attachment and I could not find anything.
  12. I am working on the Lafirestationstart.script and I am wondering if someone could please tell me how do you determine what the Actorlist number is? As I am trying to work with the script by doing what Hoopah suggested in a post but I am a little lost. Please help.
  13. Yes I am referring to making my own mod. But I do have a serious question though. To teach myself about scripting or to learn scripting I would like to be able to do some personnel or something along that lines. I was wondering if anyone could tell me where I could find something simple to learn scripting as I have looked in the forum and I am not able to find anything. I looked up changing personnel, personnel, people, scripting people, scripting personnel and I could not find anything. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks ahead of time.
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