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  1. Great work on this mod-- one thing, the stripes on the top of your BCAS units should be straight across, not angled. Like this:
  2. Wow, what a great post to come back to after a holiday! Looks great so far. Will there also be a police station?
  3. I don't always cheer for the devils, but when I do its because LA knocked us out of the playoffs

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. njboy13


      lol, glad to hear that. What is your usual team?

    3. goog


      I'm an identical twin and my team got bounced and my brothers team is the gay kings so I hope the Devils win.

    4. admntrs


      wow thats rough goog. the stuff us canucks fans go through...

  4. Charger is looking sweet guys. Goog, you mentioned just releasing the mod without a map. I think this would be a good idea if you are really struggling to get the map going. I've been playing around with gimp, it seems like it would be pretty easy to go in and change a few skins (flags, signs, billboards etc) to make it better reflect the area. I know you guys like to go all out with realism but I think this could be a possible temporary solution until you get everything how you want it. I'm having trouble converting .dds files but if I can figure this out I could probably help
  5. Great work on the mod guys. Runs like a dream for me...no problems yet! One thing I did notice- I had a fire on the ground zero site, and the fire fighters couldn't access it. They could get in the opening of the fence but not much further. Otherwise I've had no major issues, I'm not sure why it isn't working for so many people.
  6. to the forums. Thats a cool looking cruiser, but this is the wrong thread to post it in.
  7. Well, I've never seen lights as realistic as these so its hard to say . I don't think I actually realized how realistic they were until you released these videos. But I can imagine playing with your perfect lights combined goog's perfect skins, and yeah, it is exciting to say the least. Great work as always guys
  8. Good choice on the units! You see those greys everywhere in Vancouver
  9. Is Canada allowed? Take a look at Montréal!! Very cool city, very cool units. Police http://policecanada.org/policeca/qc/spvm/index.html EMS If not, Boston would be cool as well
  10. You can find a link to the Kelowna RCMP scanner, which seems to be the most active out of the few that are available.
  11. I think lots of us are wondering about where you are at in terms of progress on the map. Those of us who have been following the mod know a bit about how it will look, but if you could post screens/more information I think that would make a lot of people happy
  12. Great job guys, as nice as Surrey's units are I always thought Vancouver and Burnaby's were sweet and Delta looks great too. I'm wondering this too, how is it going to work?
  13. Yes. Look through the thread and you'll find they have said this many times. Its currently a wip. I have no idea if they are basing that or the fd stations off their real life counterparts. This is the current Surrey RCMP bulding, but it is soon going to be replaced. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b9/City_of_Surrey_RCMP_HQ_(July_2009).jpg As Goog1967 said, the map is still under development. I`m sure they will update with screens once they have something to show for. Who cares, they kick ass at modding. The models are done, and they decided to include a map so obviously thats going to take more time.
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