As Hoppah will stop moding for the time being I will make a farewell gift for him. Translating the LA mod. here i'll state the progress of the translation i still have a lot of work to do so please don't rush me i have a job so i'll try to complete it has fast as possible Command: 100% completed event: 100% fail: 100% gui: 100% hints: 100% infotexts (includes AUS for 2.1 and will also include + Units Submod 1.2): 0% ingamehelp: 0% mainmenu : 100% (i can't translate german) mission: 17.94% missiontips: 0% missiontitles: 100% objectives: 100% portraits: 100% quest:100% score: 100% (includes ranks) strings: 100% supervaward: 100% supervevents: 100% superveventsobj: 100% supervfail: 0% supervobj: 0% supervquest: 0% supervresult: 0% supervtut: 100% talk: 0% tutorial: 0% voices: 100% Overall completion (by completed files): 62.96% (17/27 files completed) Overall completion (by percentage): 66.07% if you want me to upload the complete files i will Some of the Files may not be fully translated such has the Main Menu file because of the DE language. I hope you understand If you don't want to ruin your EN installation follow these steps: 1st in the LA mod folder go to the LAng folder and create a new folder called PT 2nd go to the specs folder and open the metastrings file (backup first if you don't know what you are doing or if you want to change back to the EN version) 3rd change the EN letters to PT. Example: in EN <file name="mod:Lang/en/command.xml" /> change to <file name="mod:Lang/pt/command.xml" /> in red is what you need to change 4th just save the file For those who don't want to follow the tutorial above just backup your EN folder and copy paste the files to the EN folder EDIT- GUI completed today Edit: Files LOST EDIT: Recovered the GUI file EDIT: MAINMENU FILE COMPLETED! EDIT: EVENTS DONE EDIT: OBJECTIVES COMPLETED EDIT: SUPERVEVENTS Completed EDIT this will be adaptaded to V2.1 with AUS, since there is no JoseOu mod, infotexts XML might not get translated, and i will only translate to LA MOD 2.1 AUS, i will not translate for use with mods that add vehicles EDIT Strings.xml Completed. Edit: Quest. XML and Supervaward.xml DONE! UPDATE! HINTS FILE COMPLETED Update This submod will also include the + units submod made by Ale with his written Permission. The +Units submod was made by Ale and I have no affiliation what so ever with the Creator of said mod, all creation rights belong to Ale. check the mod page for more details. Portraits done supervtut done