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Everything posted by kevin4535843

  1. haha I can't get over how cool this mod is looking so far.
  2. The LA mod is a modification for Emergency 4. You can purchase it here.
  3. I can't wait to see what they have done with the tiller script.
  4. The game engine wasn't designed for trailers so it probably won't function properly, and it lets vehicles go through it to keep it from getting stuck. But that was the LA mod so who knows.
  5. kevin4535843

    New Laptop

    have you run it as administrator
  6. when i play on MP people end up stacking like this is there a way to change the script to stop them spawning
  7. i really don't have a strategy i just do what needs be done
  8. i don't know if it would help you but one of the missions has horses so there is already a 3d model for it
  9. being a pyromaniac is much more fun
  10. tryin out my new subwoofer

  11. i don't know about the AMR ambulances but after you copy the files rename the folder you just put them in to NYsubmod and put this file in the folder it will ask you if you want to over right it say yes and it will show up as "Los Angeles Mod v2.0 with New York Submod" in the game and then you can install the la mod again and have both
  12. will a officer escort criminals into the police station or will they walk by themselves like in the plain LA mod
  13. well roma surrectum is out so i have somethin to do until this released P.S. it would be really cool to see some tall buildings most i have seen don't go past like 6 stories
  14. bored out of my mind

    1. nick the greek
    2. kevin4535843


      already sore from cross country

  15. http://lh4.ggpht.com/_p67ZvGpA_1M/THi9B_bAk5I/AAAAAAAAAgc/nS4s7YHDsWM/image201008280001.jpg P.S. give me a star wars one and i get it
  16. if you don't mind me asking is this for the 4x4 submod or something separate either way i like the semi realistic option
  17. now this is a bad a** desktop thanks so much
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