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Everything posted by Yankee43

  1. Made lots of revisions, I am really liking the results. Working on front end tonight. Sorry for being behind schedule, school has been a hassle.
  2. Ah, limits, thank you, will try and hopefully fix that error.
  3. Alright, will work on it with the childs. On the end of conflicting commands, what exactly do you mean? How would I fix that.
  4. I have read other topics on this, found some useful information, but have not fixed my plethora of issues, so here I go: I attempted installing the stryker script from Montana 2.1 (Will be for private use only), as well as the spineboard script. I am having a few issues: When the paramedic is selected, the icon to get spineboard, or the icon to get emt bag (on ffemt's) flashes repeatedly over the top-left command icon which is usually the box that is clicked to get tools/items. When clicking this box, there is not emt bag/spineboard command in the menu. Next, when commanding a medic to get stryker, he runs over to ambo, and his hands move into the postition like he has the stretcher, but there is no stretcher model present, just nothing, not even a missing model dummy. He is unable to lift patients, but he can drop the stretcher, which then shows the stryker in the down-folded position. He can pick it up again, but the same thing happens. Note: I have getspineboard, and getstryker assigned to my personnel, and I have dummyhasstryker and dummyhasspineboard assigned to my ambos. Can anyone help me with this, I want to get my mod in playable shape before I begin work on my Tahoe model again.
  5. Great to hear, thank you for the answer. Work is looking absolutely amazing. Well considering LA Mod 2.1 is released, you do not have to. Haha I see what you were saying, cannot either.
  6. Regardless, I am sure it will still be awesome. Current as possible is definitely what we want and is what you have brought so far. Cannot wait for release! Another question to add to the one I had earlier, will the LAPD Rescue 4, the MedCat, have any special functions relating to it being a medcat? (Being able to remove an injured person?) I know you guys are focusing on vehicle replacement right now but I was wondering if that was a plan/idea.
  7. Yeah, I think they might do a LAFD Brush Patrol. I do not think this is a 2017 though. If they are going to do a brush patrol I think it would be super cool to do something like the HMMWV, just unique. Also, the NYPD uses 2017 F550's for their ESU REP trucks. Not a fire department, but an agency.
  8. Thank you guys so much for the work that you guys are doing. This mod is something everyone is excited about and will definitely take off! Just one question, I know this is a topic in itself but, WITH PROPER CREDIT, will we be able to use these amazing vehicles in our own mods? I am talking more about vehicles that can be used across more than just LA, like the Bearcats or USFS trucks. It would be a real gift to the community.
  9. Hood Finished, front end will be done tomorrow. Need to do my homework!
  10. It did, I will try an idea of mine and let you know. Thanks for the help.
  11. Both files are named exactly the same, just one is z3d and other is v30. I just noticed, the z3d has text when I open in NP++, but the v3o does not. Likely the problem. How can I fix this?
  12. So, I took the Vision SLR off the the FDNY Tower Ladder 111 to edit and use on the NYPD ESS Truck Eight. The light bar that is currently on this truck is inaccurate, so I am updating it. I opened the ladder file V3o, the lightbar was saved on the model itself. I deleted everything except the bar, saved as essSLR, and then exported as essSLR1 in v3o format. Problem is, whenever I make the child in the editor, it shows no model file dummy, despite having the model file selected. Whenever I try to import the v3o into zmod, nothing happens, I click import and thats it, nothing pops up. If I open the z3d file, everything is fine. Is there a setting or something I have to do to make it work in game?
  13. Thanks, currently working on the hood, should be finished by tonight. Will post update then.
  14. So you are looking for mods with a tower ladder other than Brooklyn/Manhattan. The only mod I know of that contains a tower ladder other than these is the original Boston mod. #1: The tower ladder in this mod is only present in the game files, it is not available default, It will require you to edit game files for it to appear in game. #2: I will tell you, this mod is pretty demanding, so I don't know if it is suitable, but it is worth a shot. I used to play it on my old laptop, had an intel pentium. The mod ran decent after I went around the map to turn all of the vehicle lights off, because they spawn default with them on. Sorry I could not find anything else, but the tower ladder unfortunately never made its way into many mods.
  15. So, still working on my 2015 Tahoe, I am focused on this, but I have a question about what might be my next modeling project. So, I want to model this 2017 F550 ESU REP truck for Brooklyn Mod. I am going to use Itchboy’s 2017 F550 Model. So, the model provided by itchboy, doesn’t include the extra cab space behind the doors, as there is on the real life vehicle. The question is, do I model the extra cab space onto the cab, then model the gear part? Or do it model the rear cab and gear part the attach it to the cab?
  16. Not 100% sure what you are asking, please clarify. Are you asking where to get the model? Or what mods contain a tower ladder?
  17. Darn, well. Could you think of any good ways to make mobile command center serve more of a purpose? They are really cool, everyone loves them In game. Usually the only time people call one out is just to have it around, make the scene look cool. I want to see a more significant propose to them. Also, the air pack script in city of angels is really cool. Will that script be able to be implemented into other mods? I also see this as an opportunity. You can have a set amount of air tanks on the truck, if firefighters use up all of those tanks. They would have to call a rehab/mask service/air unit to get more tanks.
  18. So, shower thoughts: Being an NYC native. I’d like to really beef up the mod to a more realistic standard, even though the mod is already very realistic. I’ve already added some scripts (trying to) and some vehicles (also trying to) but i have big dreams and one of them involves the plethora of mobile command centers the NYPD has in its arsenal. So, mobile command centers can respond to larger emergencies, and help manage, have some special ability that I have yet to decide. My main idea would be to, have mobile command centers post in a chosen location, and they could actually “reduce” the frequency of crime events in the area they are posted in. This is a use the NYPD has for their command centers, they post in an area to reduce crime and increase police presence. I know this would probably be a very advanced script. I have no capability at this point to make something of this magnitude, but it’s an idea I hope to act on one day. I know in City of Angels there are certain units required to be at a scene to complete the call. I just was thinking how “if: patrolboroughmobilecommand present in “south” reduce event frequency by 20%” or something. For reference the NYPD has tons of command centers for: Patrol Boroughs (Manhattan North, South, Brooklyn North, South. Like that) Some precincts have command centers ^ These two would be the main ones used for scene management on large scale emergencies or posting in areas. Life Safety Systems Division Transit Bureau Counter Terrorism Bureau (This one is a brand new center, I’m dying to model it and it could probably have the biggest capability for something cool in game) So, how feasible is this? Would this be possible in the limits of the game? Also, what do you think is a cool ability the mobile command centers should have for responding to emergencies. The NYPD dispatches then to large scale events, and major emergencies that require a higher level of management at the scene. I don’t want to have the previous “Call FBI agent for $700” or stuff like that. Any ideas. Thank You for reading!
  19. Roger that, I didn’t the best I could and moved on. I posted an update in Modding development and concepts
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