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Everything posted by Marshall8946

  1. That would be a great idea! But with a lack of units, you'd have to have a few fictional paints on some vehicles. But it would be fun to play!
  2. Same thing....with freeplay. Ive tried exchanging the maps, cutting down the objects on them, etc. The game loads in the editor, even the maps(not the original set freeplay map) The CFG file has even been set back to the original. I'm on lowest settings, running in compatibility(Windows XP SP3), and Admin. Im running windows 7-64bit Processor- Intel Core i3-2130 CPU @ 3.40GHz 6GB Ram When loading up freeplay, the game used to crash half way of loading with original set freeplay map. With exchanged, it crashes on ending of loading. The eft. file is missing for freeplay So I copied the eft. file from the deluxe and renamed it as for the freeplay map. Still no luck. Just letting you know!
  3. Yes we have, compared to before I updated the bar...It was all below 60%. I added some new events to the map, changed up a few things and also added the CCC mod into this submod. So there will be some different vehicles added into the game. I still have some more ideas that still have to be put into play here. But I just may show a picture of some stuff as a little preview...Just maybe...
  4. And if youd like any help, let me know. I can do some cool fake skins, but I think I need a new paint editing software. Paint.net isnt working to well with the designs. And you know I love to light!
  5. Hehe, I doo... Ive been thinking about a new map that may be released later down the road as an addition. Also, the useless/non-needed PD cars, will just be an extra to the game and wont come with it. Itll be like a small extra submod. This way the file size will be cut down. <Snipers idea. Although I will add the ability to call them from the map in the main submod, but they wont work unless the person downloads the extra PD vehicles. Im planning on adding some big events. I did cut out the earthquake and a few other small events. Just as a teaser....I plan on make a HUGE 'event' accident.. During the winter time, we had a 40+car pile up. So I want to do something like that, but nothing thats too extreme and unrealistic. Im also currently going to make a few more volunteer fire vehicles as an addtion for the extra vehicles pack. And yes, I added the tazer in...it is very fun to play with lol Ive been thinking about this and decided to do something a little different that what most modfications/submods/etc do. Im going to have a contest of who can make the best loading screen for this submod for the freeplay. PM me the picture and I will annouce who won the contest. The rules: Must be clean looking, not a mess. Must be pictures or info related to this submod. Must be appropriate. If the contestant needs any pics from the submod, I will be willing to send them under special circumstances. Police 98% Fire 95% Medical 60% Overall 80% Edit: Instead of allowing the vehicles to be called onto the map without the extra vehicles download, we will just make the new freeplaybase.xml to overwrite the original. <Again Snipers idea...
  6. Read everything griffy wrote about the lights. You need to make a folder for the new coronas to be added. The title is SC'PD'. This submod was to only change the PD based on Seacrest County PD off of Need for Speed. -Marshall
  7. Hey guys, a little up-date for ya. I added the tazers into the game. Added some 'extra' vehicles map has been reworked and close to finishing. A couple new fictional police vehicles have been added. New events are currently being added. I thought of some cool useless things to add to the game to add more control, so we will see about that. Adding a new fire POV SUV. And possibly a old 69 charger. Files have been cleaned up. Thanks for your patience! -Marshall
  8. Oh I will, I think there may be more work than what I planned. I need to talk to sniper about the files situation first. Then I will for sure need your help lighting!
  9. Finally!! Back to playing/working with 911FR! Now I just got to remember which files go where and to what...

  10. Yeah thank you! Im excited to get back to gaming, especially with some good mods coming out! And more importantly getting back to working on this since we are getting closer and closer to finishing. More things keep getting knocked off the list for what needs to get done, with the help of sniper.
  11. Trust me, I know. With mods coming out and work needed to be done on my own..I tried everything to get my key back. I even emailed support twice so far and they've yet to email me back about it. But I did finally get my setup files back though.
  12. Oh thank you for noticing! I didnt see that there. I grabbed pics off the internet real quick and posted just to see the basic paint job. Small update, I got my download files back. Im just waiting on my graphics card and my activation key! Hopefully Ill have both real soon!
  13. You cant. You must wait for them to transfer the game over. Im going through the same problem right now.
  14. Very very nice!! Exccept for the OSHP plates...lol. I know you do, but I ask a lot of you and I didnt want to push more on you. The crown vics look great! The CV will be an addition to the submod instead of being made for realism. Around Ravenna we only have the big rigs and a couple hummers. But I do want the CV and Tahoe added. Thank you sniper! p.s. I cant wait to get back and light again! I really want to light the HS vehicles. Although I will need small bits of help with extra stuff like polys and radiation. I have a tendency of sucking at making the radiation look realistic..
  15. Thank you! ICE? Those vehicles are from the Department of Homeland Security. ICE has a similiar looking logo, which may be what your thinking of.
  16. I'd be willing to do the lights, but youll need to be able to do some stuff on your own as well. Otherwise you will not get much help.. I can help you on some things if you have questions.
  17. I was thinking, when I get back going on my computer again. What if I changed the ATF vehicles/persons to Homeland Security?? I completely forgot HS made a post here in Ravenna. How does that sound?
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