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Everything posted by Marshall8946

  1. Thank you! I still have one more siren to make for the police The next videos will be for the fire engines.
  2. Here's a few new sirens I had created. The video recording program lagged up some but the sounds are fine. Our ambulances use the same air horn as our fire engines. So dont be shocked when it goes off. Ambulance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xeb4XdldfRk Police: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-5Pes7ocMQ
  4. You can search for the editor via the start menu at the bottom left of your screen. In the editor load up the modification you want to edit. Then load the map of that mod. Once you do that click 'edit' scroll down to spawnpoints. In that menu you can select the spawn point and the frequency it spawns vehicle along with speeds and such. From there you can raise or lower the spawn rate to add or decrease traffic.
  5. Looks great! I cant wait to see it when the lighting is finished!
  6. I prefer the grey. You can see the main paint on the model much better(the side indents and hood indents). Or like what Steve said, have multiple colors.
  7. The difference in the programs wont affect this issue. There must be some kind of installation error with adding the files.
  8. The .e4p file would go under prototypes. The one I sent you would go unit ambulance. The dds. and V3O would go into the model folders. Sorry I didnt reply to you sooner, I didnt see you had made a post on here.
  9. I can make it that way Department of Homeland Security(DHS) Heli Will be added to the extra unit pack
  10. Youll be able to use it for anything! Ill have it listed under the tec section so youll have control it. It will also be a civil bus so it'll be driving around. Ill be posting a new pic in about 2 minutes of a heli I just finished.
  11. Thanks! Im still adding more! Griffy helped with the school bus, and sniper helped with the DHS cars and the equipment van.
  12. I would love to be able to use a expedition! Thats a good idea to make! Plus I just added your fire engine into my submod
  13. Thank you. I added the xenon style headlights to a lot of the vehicles, but also left some vehicles with the normal white color.
  14. Which kind of lights do you prefer? Here are the current vehicles that will be released with the extra units pack. (Not all are finished-more may be added) There are two chargers, the 69 and the new one. But I forgot to add the new one in the picture.
  15. No, not all of them. Just the state troopers now. The sheriff and city police both use red and blue. I would display pictures/videos of them, but Im not permitted to.
  16. What are some good sites to get emergency sirens??

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Marshall8946


      That is all I'd need. I have a sound editing program that I've been working with greatly.

    3. Marshall8946


      Thank you! Ive been using that now.

  17. Heres a small video of the lights on the OSHP excursion(fictional) http://livestre.am/28fWc Heres a small video of the lights on the Ravenna police excursion(fictional) http://livestre.am/28fZP Sorry guys, I'd display a real video, but fraps wont work all that well on this computer.
  18. to the forums , but If you asking for a link for the Ravenna submod...no. If you looking for the link for the DHS vehicle addon, its on the front page.
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