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First off I'm not your bud. Second, you started off by insulting me by saying I'm color blind and then calling me out to post my own work as if I have no right to comment unless I do my own lights (which I do). All you had to do was be mature like CFD and simply ask why I disliked the lights. I can understand my post being pretty vague but to insult me rather just ask is just childish on your part. Sorry if you took it wrong, I mean I did compliment your work. The units are very nice as I've said a few times now, you're acting like I came in here bashing all your work. For me though just enough little things with the lights added up and made me dislike them. And I mean absolutely no offence by this, but I've seen both good and bad (below is capabilities) work by CFD recently and I read this thread and everyone is just sucking up rather helping to spot things that could use some tweaking to enhance to overall quality of your mod. I have re-done all of my units with different textures and lights as well so I know the work that goes into this, looking forward to seeing the progress of this submod it's always nice to see people create new things on here. Enjoy.
Yikes it's called an opinion, no need to get all butt hurt about it. MY opinion is not that the lights are terrible or even inaccurate, just spotted some things that look like flaws or could be done better in MY opinion. Side window lights on the vics have larger radiation zone for red than the blue. Not a big deal just something I noticed and did not like because in my eyes it makes the car look un-even. Some of your strobes don't look like they have any polys, even if you're trying to put the light on the actual bulb the housing will still illuminate and not just be a circle (the bulb) flashing. The lights on the rear of the charger in the brakelight housing looked too big to me, again not a big deal just seemed too large for the space you were trying to light. All the amber decks are not even, looks like a wave when you pay attention because some lights are higher or lower than others. At 1:50 ish in the last video when looking at the back of the vic, the left tail light is low and more to the right in the housing while the right side is basically centered, yet they're supposed to be symmetrical. As I said the cars look great, I just pay attention to detail and noticed things about the lights. Never said they were bad, never said CFD doesn't do good work. The lights on these particular units just look like they have places that need tweaked. Sorry for not jumping on the "omg awesome" band wagon like everyone else. As for doing better lighting myself...why should I have to post my work in order to have a difference of opinion? you want your sub-mod to be nice quality work right, if I were in your position I would be listening to the people who actually critisize your work constructivly and point out areas you could do better instead of the people that are just sucking up to you. Sorry if my reply seems alittle blunt, I don't appreciate you getting all offensive towards me when I compliment your units, simply because I actually watched your video with my eyes open and looked at the vehicles rather just who was making them.
Charger looks nice although the wheels look like they need adjusted. Do you plan on making a new motorcycle unit, something more modern like the new BMW?
Open the editor and find the Camaro, add the follow command and poof you got another car with the chase option.
He was kidding. Anyways the van and excursion look nice. Why does FDNY use two lightbars on the rear of their chief suv's?
I have the same problem as Rooster with the sirens, now it gives a script error "(_LASirena2195): Limitation: Statement too long". Sirens won't activate for PD vehicles. Not sure if it makes a difference but I only copied the lines and only added the files for the unmarked charger. Works fine in game but no police sirens, anybody know how to fix this?
Thanks, does the video quality look bad to anyone else, even in HD it can't seem to keep up with the patterns. And I cannot get the screenshots to show a preview without clicking them, they're just black. Anyways I'm toying with Zmodeler, with any luck after I figure it out I will be able to make the units alittle more realistic by adding the proper light bars and full wrap pushbars. Will take me awhile to figure it out.
http://www.youtube.com/user/Foehammer503?feature=mhum Link to my youtube channel, videos look better in high quality obviously. First is the unmarked tahoe and suburban, second is Salem PD, third is Marion County and last is Oregon State Police. I believe I used a version of PRL as a base and tweaked to my likes. Lighting is not meant to be 100% accurate, some is and some isn't. Videos show units with primary and secondary lighting active, some units have overlapping lights with different patterns so you may notice the OSP tahoe for example has a weird rear amber patter because the primary pattern is not the same as the secondary, some other vehicles have this as well. The unmarked units, the lights in the windows appear white because of the background texture I used to look like the light housing. They appear normal ingame. Not shown in either post is the LAPD motor unit, charger or FCV with argent, both vehicles I reskinned into SPD units (they don't use them) so I have more local vehicles. And the Motor unit has imo much much better lighting.
Oh please don't make it realistic to CA. They have terrible lighting. And steady red burn law is fail.
Are you going to make more? or only what they use in LA.
I mean like right now if you have the extra LED crown vics, you have different types of CHP vics vector or LED and LAPD vics argent or LED, will it be like that or just one for each department?
So I'm confused, are you going to release them as New York units or LA units? will they replace the existing FCVs or be additions, and will there be a variety to play with, I notice you have unmarked cars, some with vector lightbars and some with LED lightbars, even one I see in NYPD skin that has a vector with all sorts of extras on the lightbar. Would be cool to have a few options to choose from for each department city/county/state. Like each department has a slicktop car, Argent lightbar car (if you make them for LA), a vector lightbar car, LED bar and a unit with the LASD vic lightbar above. I think I may be asking for the world lol sorry, but I like to roleplay and upgrade older style units in game over time with vectors and those mx700? lightbars, so I start with the older units then gradually over time get more "new" cars on the road, act like the city got better funding and phases them out with the LED units. But that's just me glad you'll be releasing them, they look great!
The FCV's look amazing. But they need push bars! big full wrap around push bars lol
Xplorer you're the bomb! thank you.