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Everything posted by TTBL225

  1. Is there anyone interested in doing so Police Department textures? If interested, please PM me.
  2. Its private.....as in no one has access to it.
  3. I have been working on a project for a few months now off and on. I have decided to rework and fix some issues for the Boston Mod by FINN. I do plan on a release, assuming I am able to receive permissions from the proper folks. All original credits can be found in "EM4 Boston SubMod read me credits". Work done by Mentor1159/TTBL225: Edited and Fixed fire station scripts Added Police and EMS station Scripts Map Fixes Other general script fixes Added LWS Massive Reorganization of File Structure (About 20 hours of work) Massive reduction in file size due to the removal of unneeded and duplicate files Screens: Original Credits:
  4. This project may be remembered by some or most as the original Riverside Mod. I have always been working on the mod, however progress is slow. This will be the next release and likely the last major overhaul of units. The city of Riverside is set to resemble a medium size city, serving roughly 50,000-100,000 residents. The Fire Department is a full-time paid department operating with 4 stations. The city is also protected by the Riverside Police Department. Current Status of Fire/EMS Units: Revamp of RPD Units: V2 Link: https://mega.nz/file/000WjK7Z#tDjs8gMwQXdz9065e-RB-Kt2LEru-nxmpToyuiNd1-I Credits: ***I am currently looking for someone who is good with map work for some serious map overhaul. If interested and you have the required skills, feel free to contact me via PM.
  5. Some vehicles, such as those with the vehicle type DLK, require there to be things named under childs. Under Childs/Superstructs you are required to have objects with the names: base l1 l2 l3 l4 basket cannon If these are not present, you will get a CTD when calling in a DLK from off the map or when the game loads if a DLK is spawned on the map at the start.
  6. Great work Itch. The community appreciates your work and efforts to keep the game alive.
  7. I am having an issue where when I hit the returnto command, a select few vehicles will turn and face the VO but will never actually return. It is only with about half the vehicles in the script. The others work just fine. I have spent hours looking at the script and the map setup without finding any issues. As far as I know, the lines of the vehicles that work are exactly the same as the ones that don't work. Script and picture are attached. BostonPolicePark.script
  8. Disregard. I was able to solve after finding this thread.
  9. @Chris07 I am having a problem with the same script and also the exact same problem with another script. Error: Script:
  10. Anyone having any luck using this script with the new 2.8 update? I am unable to use this script and I am pretty much stuck.
  11. Just like a regular fire. EM4 can't simulate a gas fire in its true form.
  12. This made life so much better. I can actually play it now.
  13. Here is my folder containing all my most up to date public releases. The folder contains a "Credits" file which include proper credits. I will also attach one to this post. If there are any usage or crediting issues, please contact me so it an be rectified. I hope to update this post further with pictures and future updates. https://mega.nz/#F!oxdkBSYR!qrNUFRKbwRTSS2t2fipMWQ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheMentor1159 ** I work full-time hours at two departments and I am also in Paramedic school. Time is very limited to work so most updates will be far apart. Things will be updated and completed as time allows. ** Credits.txt
  14. I don’t have the ability to provide pictures at the moment but I will do what I can. You first need to locate all the model files for the associated vehicle. It should have a base model, doors and possibly wheels. When you you make a copy of the base model, but not the doors, the doors on all the future models will share the door texture from the original, unless you make separate copies of the doors. You must then make make sure that the individual model files are pointed to the right texture file or you will run into the same issue.
  15. I don't see any coffee or donuts in that station http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/emoticons/default_wink.png
  16. I edited a command script and now the command will not show up in the editor to be assigned to vehicles. Does anyone know possible causes of this?
  17. Just out of curiosity, what happens if a vehicle is coming the other way? Will they get into a stand off or will the script stop opposing traffic at a certain point?
  18. TTBL225

    Harbor City 5

    Bad install or that will happen if you load two mods without restarting the game first. Try it again with only loading harbor city and see if it persists. If it does, I would reinstall or even a fresh download and install.
  19. Looking good. Keep it up! It will be cool to have another variety of a Canadian mod.
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