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TTBL225 last won the day on March 17 2023

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  1. What tools are out there to make animations these days? I cant seem to get hoppah's to work.
  2. If you would be willing to share what you have done, I have plans on doing a SM vehicle pack in the very near future.
  3. I thought about that. I will try it. Thanks for your help
  4. *In the start script under the tiller section, I know there is no rotation line setup like the others. It originally had it and it did not make a difference.
  5. I did try it with a completely clean tiller script from 2.1, same issue. So those lines being changed weren't the issue. *In the start script under the tiller section, I know there is no rotation line setup like the others. It originally had it and it did not make a difference. LAFireStationStart.script
  6. Exact model and proto from OG LA. Scripts are from a completely clean version of LA 2.1. I have put the tiller in several mods and have never had this issue. Very perplexed. If I call a tiller in from off the map, it works as it should.
  7. I was finally able to get the tiller to spawn lined up properly in the station. However, whenever it moves, the trailer itself is offset from the cab. The only line that was edited was #740, changing a 0 to 270 to get it to spawn facing the right direction. Not sure where to go from here. LATiller.script
  8. Because I am not giving someone else my work so they can take credit for it...Nor will the work probably be done to my standard. I don't want my name on something that isn't the quality I try for. Hence why Thin Blue hasn't seen an update. I have reworked that mod probably 9 times and no one has seen any of the work. Its just how I am.
  9. I was given permission to release it, but there are still some things that need buttoned up. I also want to improve a few more things will require a decent amount of work. I don't have the time nor the motivation to do much with it at the moment. I wouldn't expect it anytime soon.
  10. Ah yes, the subpar modder that wants everything handed to him. I grew up and out of this stage. Maybe you will too someday. Everyone else on here is right. What someone creates is theirs, and theirs only. They have 100% control over what they choose and choose not to do with it. While it would be great to have access to use some of Itchboy's great stuff, I respect and understand his decision to do what he did. The modding community here is definitely extremely toxic and this is just another example of it. While I have moved passed serious mod making, mainly due to real life obligations(Lets be honest, fighting real fires for a living is way cooler anyways), I have come to the realization that if I want something, I have to learn and do it myself. Sadly, due to reasons stated above, that is likely out of the cards for me. Plus, I'm not gonna waste my time learning skills for a outdated game with less than stellar capabilities. TL;DR - Make it yourself and stop bitching
  11. Functioning ladders is a pretty dam good accomplishment. Great job Itch. Looking forward to seeing what else you have in store for us.
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