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aerandir last won the day on February 12

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  1. Download this file and try again campaignprogress.xml
  2. Gracias por postear! Intenta descargar la última versión del MOD y reinstálala en tu sistema. Es importante antes de eliminar el MOD y reinstalar que guardes el archivo campaignprogress.xml que está en la carpeta SAVE, para que no pierdas tu progreso. Acabo de probar la misión (Con la versión 1.0.5) y no parece tener ningún problema. Pruébalo y me dices de nuevo Saludos!
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Credits: - All Emergency 3 Lang by Sixteen Tons Entertainment. - Multi-Lang files collected by AeRaNDiR Lang files: (DE, EN, ES, FR, IT)
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Credits: - All Emergency 4 Lang by Sixteen Tons Entertainment. - Multi-Lang files collected by AeRaNDiR Lang files: (DE, EN, ES, FR, IT) SUPERV: (DE, EN, ES)
  5. New Version 1.0.5 Release Fixed bugs in maps and scripts.
  6. I can't download the files but I see it Audio :: PlaySoundtrack +5 in scripts (26-45) My fault, sorry
  7. A new version of MOD 1.0.3 is ready for download. - Fixed some bugs on objects. - Itchboy created a script so that the rescue helicopter can pick up the wounded. - Fixed soundtrack in the scripts (Thanks Nie_Wiem15). ** Re-uploaded file with 1.0.4 - Emergency update for fix M39 Rescue Helicopter script - Update M30.script for video in the cinema. Apologies for the inconvenence. We continue in the active search for errors, if you find a bug, comment it in the associated thread and we will try to repair it.
  8. If you have any of the languages present: Spanish, English, German, Italian or French you can use the MOD with your language. Just change the metastring file to the SPECS folder and the desired language is activated.
  9. What's New in Version 1.0.2 Released 18 hours ago Bugfix: Soundtrack, Barrels on demonstration mission, bridges and train objects, fire points on mission 22, index maps and minor bugs. NEW: Freeplay map from EM3 (City1)
  10. New version 1.0.2 available for download!!
  11. Apologies for the inconvenience. I'm working for fix little things, this will fix next update. I will also change the freeplay for the EM3.
  12. I am reviewing the files. This week I'm a little busy, I'll try to get the patch ready as soon as possible. Apologies for the inconvenience.
  13. New version MOD 1.0.1 waiting for approval: Bug fix in awards and flight car files This version fixes the bug
  14. The game creates it when you complete a mission or save a game. You just need to create a new folder inside the MOD named SAVE.
  15. You must start a new campaign. The MOD starts from mission 21. If you want, you have a file a few messages before that you can put inside the SAVE folder to start from mission 21.
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