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Everything posted by Dyson

  1. This mod and update is far less cpu intense than Manhattan. It even runs on Intel.
  2. Haha thanks so much too few bugs your video showed especially with the hydrants (well mainly glitches) but I'll be putting a new beta out shortly if you fancy a redux haha. But yeah thanks man generate some excitement for the mod again
  3. Thanks to TheNorthernAlex for having a 20 minute play through of our beta, it's a few weeks old so may be missing some of the newer stuff but here's a glimpse at the update http://youtu.be/xeA3gA71b1w
  4. The auto demount in station has been removed and I've made steps to make the gameplay more familiar. As for shootouts I've also stopped gangsters targeting cars so you really get some good shootouts. The officer in distress comes in really handy here when under fire very quickly filling the scene with cops. I hope to add some homicide calls where you have to track down suspects, find clues and secure scenes. But this will require a lot of scripting but I'm hopeful to add it at some point even if it's in future versions.
  5. There have been more pd calls added back into the update but there is also a gang presence on map. Arrest a suspected gang member in front of the gang and risk anything from a fist fight to an out right shoot out. If I get additional time to work I'm hoping to add gang related incidents too. Random gang tension or homicides etc but that will require extensive scripting that I don't have much time to do. But that's the plan.
  6. Try setting the extra lights as traffic lights? They can be controlled by scripts
  7. Yeah I get what he means but I mean for what purpose would you want to hide standard lights? I'd recommend just changing them all to special and controlling them with a script
  8. What lights on an emergency vehicle would be standard? They'd surely either be headlights break lights or emergency lights so blue lights?
  9. If you want to impose a cam hack place the cam script likes on the freeplay mission script. For an example see the freeplay mission script on BoF it allows can hack automatically when playing the mod. Food for thought.
  10. It's because it's an exe file, it auto assumes it's harmful when in fact it is not, allow the download and run the setup P.s. Brooklyn isn't a setup file so which links are you on about?
  11. No I understood your comment but I still stand by adding more units isn't really needed at this stage. The squad will never be first due and Hazmat 1 responds city wide but it only responds with its second piece
  12. 252 has a hazmat second company in the bread truck which is featured in the mod as the fourth hazmat unit. Squad 252 second piece Hazmat 1 Hazmat 1 second piece Decon Unit
  13. Well the maps not got 252 on map so it should never really be first due plus adding extra unnecessary units is only gonna increase our problems with all machines. We have 2 hazmat units already so no need for extra hazmat either. We're working on reducing. The unit list to make way for units with a purpose there are far more engines than specialised squads. Hope this makes sense.
  14. I've had all my files reported as broken and checked them and they are fine
  15. Oh yeah that's a bug he needs to be in the jacket to un-attatch
  16. Yeah we've got that van too but I want some differenciation from the NYPD van
  17. Lets all join hands and pray to hoppah to write a daisy chain feature into the supply script. In other news.. During testing I was made aware of some missing wheels on the OCME van, so rather than just adding new wheels I've replaced it, see what you guys think..
  18. Yeah I agree it's probably common practice but not needed in a game like this. If you feel you need to lay a long supply line you can just lay a hose extender and hook two hoses into one long supply line.
  19. Probably is possible but what's the point? I've never seen an engine hooked up then driven around
  20. Whatever you wish check out what wheels other mods use and see what you like
  21. The NYPD sirens are a different story they will be redone anyway but I can't comment on what they were like in SD but they're the same in v3 and BoF
  22. The sirens in BoF are the same as in the previous versions just with more additional sirens added so I'm not entirely sure what you mean.
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