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Everything posted by Dyson

  1. As I said read our topic all the info is on there, to repeat is just getting tedious.
  2. We accidentally forgot to assign an icon, if you click the add ff button it is actually adding to the rig, just there's no icon, if you spawn it, there will be guys onboard. We didn't think it necessary to send out a patch to resolve as there isn't actually any hazmat calls in v2, but there will be in v3.
  3. It's the rendering of the mass number of buildings, there's around 70 or so buildings in v2, all on top of the standard em4 stuff, so em4 needs to rely on the graphics card to run with all this additional stuff, which in the case of specifics as mentioned above, fail to support the game in its rendering so it crashes out. We've studied this issue a lot with various testing, what you see in v2 is the best we came to after testing extensively.
  4. Not sure what you're on about. v2.3 is bug free (practically) and v3 is not released yet. No need to start a new topic check our topic, people ask this question every few days. It's an issue with specific graphics cards, mainly intel, for more info check the last few pages of the main mod topic.
  5. If you can play em4 and don't have intel or integrated graphics you can play all.
  6. Yo, v1 is available, I think I may have accidentally cleared it out with my spring clean, I'll re-up soon. Version 2 is finished and available, just check out 2.0.1 and patch 2.0.3 both in the DL section on here. Version 3 is still under work yes, we're being ambitious with this one, we're already pretty much at the stage where we could release an almost bug free version with a finished map, but we're holding off to improve gameplay, add several other maps and a map that will load for people with crappy graphics cards.
  7. program called fraps google it
  8. All the files are already available on multiple mirrors, re-uploading isn't permitted without permission.
  9. A 'super computer' isn't required. Just some hardware graphic cards will simply not run the mod. You could have the best specs imaginable but have an intel card and no go. But yes we're releasing 3 maps with the first release of v3. One map will be Times Square, the other around MetLife (Engine 8/Ladder2/Batt 8) and the last will be a generic NYC map using just Em4 buildings (this will run on intel cards).
  10. http://www.manhattan-mod.org/fdny.htm http://www.manhattan-mod.org/ems.htm http://www.manhattan-mod.org/nypd.htm Full unit list on our site.
  11. Agreed, I think because the game is fairly basic yet modders are pushing the game engine to its very limits it packs out high levels of RAM usage, but isn't really anything to worry about compared with the likes of GTA.
  12. I don't know any mod that requires top of the range graphics cards. We ran into issues with some graphics cards due to them being pretty crappy, specs has very little to do with it besides lag, it was mainly a hardware issue. And as you are still using mainly if not completely em4 buildings I don't see you'll have an issue as the issue was caused due to the additional anti-aliasing because of the significant amount of new detailed buildings we created and used from GTA. So besides the possibility of a little lag you'll be fine.
  13. This might come in useful.. I had more but not sure where they got to. And if I'm not mistaken CFD uses similar bunker to FDNY black with yellow stripes. However in the film and many animations, the FD wears a beige coloured bunker..
  14. Hmm, how about creating 'snow models' that can be bulldozed away (replacing the bulldozer of course) and a simple script that respawns the snow over time? I dunno it's a lot of work but an idea how to fully implement
  15. 12th Jan 2011, check the first post. But I think compared to the New York Mod which is still one of the most renowned mods, spanning 5 years of development and no release.
  16. Dude, I just defended you. But you're clearly trying to give out sly digs. Voodoo has asked to go back to topic, so I apologize but I think your post is in need of a response. Plus the double post. Mods don't piggyback of the LA mod. Hoppah brought a lot of scripts, which existed throughout the world of em4 but were edited by hoppah, into one single mod. So the mod is like a huge fully functioning script packet, perfect as a base for mods rather than starting from the original game. Besides which I don't see the issue, if mods are surely just 'piggybacking', then there's no issue, if you don't like a mod, don't follow it. Simple. Anyway back to topic, I'd like to see more progress not spam. x
  17. What'd you mean? More stuff to show.. More Times square and 8th Ave screens. Yet to add peds to Times Square (due to the amount to be added) but 8th and 6th now have peds. *Open top bus used from ERS Berlin
  18. I think this was aimed as constructive, but the delivery wasn't that great. First up, @kameronbc21 most mods are born out of simple reskins. People learn as they go along, that's how I work, that's how most work. Without the starting point of changing a few skins most people would never get into tweaking this game as it is rather overwhelming. To everyone else, point made, but don't act like he just tea-bagged y'all, every mod gets hate, trust me if you saw some of the outrageous things I get sent on a regular basis you'd think this was pretty harmless. Anyway, not playing mod, just wanted to add a little perspective. Dyson x
  19. I based my ambo off this pic from DK - http://farm2.staticflickr.com/1094/1240893353_69b58f6d89_z.jpg But yeah looks good
  20. Well playing individuals is pretty rare, however you can join MP groups or 'Clans' (a term I hate) that host regular games. Myself and Rafael run a MP group for our mod. There's also the Squad 44 which is essentially a submod of LA, new skins, new models etc. I think there's also some UK groups, just have a browse, but you'll likely need to join one to play MP. x
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