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Everything posted by Dyson

  1. No I'd have to reskin all of the old crown vics. Sorry man, its like asking me to convert the rescue 1 skin onto a seagrave, the new crownvics are completely different
  2. This mod cant just be used for skins, the skins are skins for new models which are part of the mod, so hardly any of the skins (except FDNY) will work in the original game
  3. Which parts of the mod do you want?
  4. Its the structure of the submod, its the only way it can work, and theyre skinned to a different model crown vic than the la mod so it wont work, hence why i said either use the entire mod or none of it, what are these alterations you want to keep so bad?
  5. Thats the only way im affraid, hence why i recommend you back them up first then add them back in slowly no other way.
  6. yes it was added as a bug that the lightbar had not been changed but i have fixed that for the next vesion you should refer to the topic a lot of these questions have been answered (also a new map sort of) Sorry for the slow reply i had to take the screen
  7. yes i believe so Edit: because its a beta the names arent changed yet but they will in the next vesion
  8. Yes just do exactly as i just instructed and i guarantee it will work haha i always do
  9. Did you just download the folder and then replace the folders 'models' and 'prototypes' with the ones in the download, do not do anything else with them or it will not work just simply replace and make sure you back up your folders before you install the mod
  10. This mod? It doesnt exist its been transferred to xplorer for his mod
  11. Yeah but i doubt ill be able to animate them to lift up, so if you could make it compact?
  12. Dont know if you guys want any help but i can skin, if you want i could do some work on cars etc, heres one i did earlier, (it looks crap cos the model is a civ car so its hard to texture, but check out my submod to show what i can do
  13. hey looks nice, trckon you could make me acustom lightbar for my submod? http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3221/2775010191_73576851af.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.flickriver.com/photos/jag9889/tags/department/&usg=__EirxVKWSet11qxIzIPFEzOqMD9E=&h=400&w=500&sz=177&hl=en&start=13&tbnid=0oUDle-vKAoXtM:&tbnh=141&tbnw=188&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dnypd%2Bhighway%2Bpatrol%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1024%26bih%3D608%26tbs%3Disch:10,600&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=343&ei=VKloTNG5GMOQjAeJtuXUBA&oei=SqloTLWBGIf24Ab_-rSZBA&esq=2&page=2&ndsp=12&ved=1t:429,r:8,s:13&tx=69&ty=56&biw=1024&bih=608 not the vector the bit behind with the light and the directional lights?
  14. I appreciate people interested in my submod but please post in the topic queries about installing etc ;)

    1. Cosreski


      Just tell me how to install your rar file my friend so I can try out your NY Mod........Thanks COSRES

    2. shadowzuziz


      he says post in his topic

  15. Hey, Not trying to sortof impose on your submod, but I'm currently making a similar mod, check it out? I take requests for any vehicle
  16. Cheers for doing this for me man! really useful
  17. No worries thanks for the interest
  18. I'm REDOING not just skinning, so I'm replacing the ambulance with Nicco's as its a better model.
  19. Oh i didn't do the window, that was from the original skin I just wanted to make a quick skin to prove what I can do.
  20. I'm not too sure what you mean? But the red ambulance I just posted a picture of is LA and is nothing to do with hoppah, my skin, Nicoo's model. Dyson
  21. hey I'm a pretty noob skinner but im from the UK so I'm looking to join in on a UK mod, if you need or want any skins doing? I thought actions speak louder than words so I spent 10 mins reskinning a ford focus from the downloads section, if you like it and wanted me to do anything with some of your skins I'd be happy to Dyson Uploaded with ImageShack.us It's not great but yeah...
  22. The red ambulance is LA and I struggle to skin choppers need to practice them yet haha
  23. That umpc going ok? got it to work? Ash
  24. Yes but its unrealistic, I used Nicco's f series, however it should be an E series, but regardless here it is. Uploaded with ImageShack.us And any others I've done all on this topic I plan to do more, but I only started modding 2 days ago and now I have several mods on the go
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