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Rogério da Silva

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Rogério da Silva last won the day on August 25 2018

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    Mestre Tio

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    Blumenau, SC, Brazil

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  1. Coming to São Paulo mod... (WIP) http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/monthly_2020_08/render3.thumb.png.91071bca353dd247471083c388853621.png
  2. Modification based units of the fire department of Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brazil!! "Blumenau is a municipality in the state of Santa Catarina, Southern Brazil. It is located in the homonymous microregion and in the Vale do Itajaí Meso-region. It is the host city of the Metropolitan Region of the Itajaí Valley. It is the third most populous city in the state, the 8th in the Southern Region of Brazil, the 78th in Brazil and the only medium-large city in Santa Catarina, constituting one of its main industrial, technological and university centers. It was founded by German chemist and pharmacist Hermann Bruno Otto Blumenau, who arrived on a boat via Itajaí-Açu river accompanied by seventeen other compatriots. This landed at the mouth of the Garcia Creek on September 2, 1850 and divided the plot into lots so that the settlers could build their houses, mostly houses made with half-timbered technique. The interval occupied between the mouths of the Velha and Garcia streams defined the present center of the city. It has a cultural agenda focused on parties based on the daily life and habits of European immigrants, including the German colonization with Oktoberfest, the second largest beer festival in the world, held every 17 days in October every year. the stammtisch, traditional gathering of associations in the street XV of November. The Italian nucleus of the population realizes the Festital, besides also meetings of the Center of Gaucho Traditions (CTG) and diverse manifestations of the European and Brazilian cultures take place. Blumenau is the economic center of the Itajaí valley, with the textile and IT industries standing out - with national and international companies, such as Companhia Hering, the 16th largest in the state of Santa Catarina, and the largest label manufacturer in the world, Haco. It is also noted the regional relevance of the services and trade sector; namely health and education, with the University of Blumenau and five hospitals. Blumenau has one of the highest human development indices in Brazil and extensive vegetation cover due to the presence of the Serra do Itajaí National Park in its territory. However, it presents social problems in common with the rest of Brazil, such as the presence of 23,131 inhabitants in communits, the largest number in Santa Catarina in 2010" Mod features: - New playable units from Blumenau - New useful commands - New realistic map - New equipments - Realistic sirens and flashing lights - Extremely accurate models - Highly detailed textures - Compatible with Emergency 4 / Deluxe and 911: First Responder You can see the progress on the mod website: https://blumenaumod.weebly.com/, My youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp_5pOd8Xma1MC7sbrR1VvQ and my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Capitão-Do-PPT-1865326563587936/
  3. Hello itchboy, There is no Ford Explorer and subaru in the modification. I hope you confunsed the explorer with The Ford edge wich is used by BOPE (see the picture). But i Will talk with Paulo about this . http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/monthly_2018_10/image_search_1538756477982.jpg.d07c6d70b1739337dd4cd49e4908fc0e.jpg
  4. New units! BOPE (brazilian SWAT), shock (riot police), ROCAM (patrol with motorcycles), civil police (investigator) and PPT (tatical police) All units made by Paulo Ve New mod banner (by me): http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/monthly_2018_10/24-9-2018_21.9.20_1.jpg.8b548de972318b6c58a556bc3ca3c7af.jpg http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/monthly_2018_10/PicsArt_10-04-12_54_42.thumb.jpg.11be33978b9b12448ed08091f7369ef0.jpg
  5. Today: "Pastelada" in third battalion of fire fighters Some pictures taked: http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/monthly_2018_09/20180915_111909.thumb.jpg.c282026e2d1c57704f6fd6b392b5e612.jpg http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/monthly_2018_09/20180915_111426.thumb.jpg.ca55ab9e150f6268df886bf3885812be.jpg http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/monthly_2018_09/20180915_111201.thumb.jpg.753c01946aa5deb9f42dce7b3e9033da.jpg
  6. I forgot to ask, but the mod will have the guarder of CHOQUE (riot police)? http://www.emergency-planet.com/uploads/monthly_2018_09/image_search_1536624725709.jpg.3809bcd6323504912fe00ce998d6788e.jpg
  7. NICE, I love this vehicle! Can you take a better picture of him? Any chance to have a Renault Master GRAU on the mod? Those videos can help you:
  8. Very nice map! But i hope i see an Pajero Dakar of GRAU, this unit will be in the mod?
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