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Everything posted by salvador.c

  1. Yes, I already use the 4 mission map from the campaign that have the perfect map but teh stadium is to little for a big riot... If anyone have a map or a similar mission can help me?
  2. nop nop nop, MY mission idea is: A football game... during the game a hooligan team atack another hooligan team. the stadium is full of riot police officer but they can`t get control of the situation. and for this mission i will need something like 40 hooligans... for eatch team... Mission map: Stadium and suburbs. incluiding the football players and civilians... thanks Salvadorc
  3. My question it is, how can I make that a civilian or a group of peopple start a riot/demonstration?
  4. Luc1300 you can`t ask for dates. You should read the rules...
  5. OfficerMax 5 stars! Here is my new fire station! the stop sign lights up when a vheicle is coming out...
  6. My project disapear so i can`t correct the error... So I will make more Fire stations... I hope someone will get on this contest
  7. Welcome to my contest topic! Rules (For this month): 1-The fire Station can only have space for 1 Engine and 1 tower ladder. 2-Should have a exit for the road incluid in the project. 3-can`t have any tipe of vheicle or person (incluides fire vheicles) in the project because it will cause injustice for some projects. 4-The project should be 100% in english. 5-you can use some litle objects from other people. 6-You can make more than one project. 7-The contest finish in 30 of march. (Then the people can start voting). You can send me any sujestion or a rule for personal menssage. Good luck! Thanks Salvador.c
  8. When I open the freeplay map on Editor the map load 100%, but it crash in 2 minuts. Anyone can help me?
  9. Help when i click on swat agent they cant get mp5 and balistic shield...
  10. salvador.c

    Madrid Mod

    The mod is 5 stars i love it! I think you will have a big success!
  11. how can i take a tree out of the map i know how to take out of the road using a crane but not how to take him away! thanks. salvador.c
  12. I cant dispatch BEPO (Riot police) SEK (SWAT)and black police cars that have a blue lightbar on top. Anyone can help me?
  13. what is the freeplay map name in editor?
  14. Mdpd van I only made the skin and I add the lightbar. the firetrucks have nothing whit the Miami.
  15. If you want to duplicate a model... One way is Upload you model and then download it 2 times and you have it duplicate!
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