I have added all FDNY main Manhattan Houses, to google maps... and All fdny Units to 911CAD, What i do is: Chose a place, ex: 45 St, 10045 North, NY I se on google map waht is the nearst fire house, Then go to 911 CAD, make a ned call card, ex: bulding fire, call Battalion Chief 1, Engine 7 and Ladder 1. Them open again google maps and place marks as where the emerergency call was made, where is the fire, roads that are blocked, where are the Battalion Chiefs, where are the injured persons etc... Them if needed call backups, open again call card at 911CAD and chose engine 10, ladder 10... But I have sended some email to some companys to make a FDNY dIspacher using Google maps/Google earth Any Idea post