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Everything posted by Spaloo

  1. I keep my "city" pretty bare. I just use the Fire/EMS vehicles that are there in the beginning of the freeplay game. I get the BC out of the vehicle and place him in the open SW corner of the parking lot and save his location as "1". I then place the other firefighter (from the BC SUV) inside the station, hit the alarm button again to staff the BC SUV, then empty all the vehicles inside both stations. Now, I have a "dispatcher" (BC) in the SW corner of fire station 1. I set 3 LAPD cars w/1 officer each to patrol the city, and 1 SUV with a SWAT officer to patrol (he's more like the sgt/supervisor vehicle in real life). I also place 1 boat in the water with a diver and medic on board. Then I'll place a medic (no vehicle) and a repair dude (with vehicle) at the police station to handle the bruised up and beaten LAPD, then it's game on. I use the BC to dispatch for just about every call (fire, ems, or PD). -EMS calls Usually get an Engine and RA. If it sounds BLS, it gets an engine and 800. If the engine is tied up, it gets an ALS RA and an 800. -Since there are only 2 stations, I just send 1 engine, 1 light force, and an RA or 800 to structure fires. 2nd alarm is usually the BC, other engine, and USAR (then I start deploying the gated wyes). -pd calls get the nearest unit. car theft gets a helo and the nearest unit, and protests get the SUV (flashbang) and a patrol car. I found that this way uses the least amount of mutual aid, and I don't flood my relatively tiny city with more emergency vehicles than residents. Does an occasional suspect get away? Yeah, that's life. This setup keeps my resources running, but that's what they're getting paid for
  2. 1 guy treating while the others stand around....you're not that far off. Usually the second medic has the clipboard and is taking notes, unless the patient is in very very bad shape. If you want realism for an average medical call in LA, you should have 1 guy standing by the engine, kicking a tire, 1 guy in the back of the room watching the medics, and 1 firefighter maybe helping out. While I'm usually in agreement with you, two medics "healing" someone shouldn't really speed up the process. I like the idea of using the gurney medics to heal and maybe having an engine medic helping out. Although, I know personally when I'm out of treatment options, I neither hover over the patient completely idle nor do I keep running my hands over the patient pretending to do something but doing nothing except creeping the patient out. I'm interested to see how you adapt this part of life to the game. Good luck! I gotta ask again....any chance for an AMR BLS rig and an LA County FD engine in the near future? Hoppah, I'll buy you beer, ship it and everything!
  3. Really? We're pulling NIMS into the game? If you REALLY want to be accurate, each light force and engine would have a captain, so that resolves the NIMS ratio of command to subordinate problem. The way you mention NIMS makes it sound like the BC is the only supervisor-role in LAFD, and all supervisory and management tasks HAVE TO be assigned to a BC. Realistically speaking, not every fire station has a bat chief. One is plenty. The captains play an integral role in daily function and MCI functions. The other thing, the bat chief SUV does not double as a paramedic rescue.
  4. The mod works great. The patrolling function of the police cars tend to get caught here and there, but so far, everything else has been smooth. Quick question. Can we use the original LA Mod map as the original map, but replace the Deluxe LA Mod map with this replacement deluxe map?
  5. LA City FD uses yellow turnout gear.
  6. You released 1,7 at just about the exact time our ambulance struck a deer. Actually, the deer technically hit us. I don't suppose that's an interesting "mission" for the mod To Hoppah and Mikesphotos, a genuine, heartfelt thanks from a medic that works entirely too many hours and really uses this game to keep sane during down time. You guys do great work. Thank you. I'm going to go play it now for the first time.
  7. Hoppah, I'm cool with that idea. Close the thread!!! I don't see you releasing 1.8 for a while, anyways. As far as the AMR skin, I suggested that a long time ago. Mikesphotos has suggested that, too (along with a LA County FD Engine), but Hoppah doesn't want to do that at this time. I personally like the idea, but I don't think my opinion carries that much weight. LAFD occassionally uses private EMS, but not often enough to warrant putting them in the game, I guess. As for the Argentine Motorcycle ambulance. Really? :1046275873_shakehead: Hoppah, any update on a donation thing for you? Paypal?
  8. Not true. LAFD uses their own choppers as ALS transport/Air Rescue within LA City. LASD does have an advanced life support helo, but it is not the primary helicopter for the city. Slightly off topic, but I remember a call with LASD Air 5 at the Angeles Ntl Forest with E19, Sq 11, Patrol 82, LA County FD. I was amazed at how Air 5 could get that MASSIVE beast of a helo of theirs in the tiniest spot in the mountains, to where their medic could just step off the helo and onto the mountain. Amazing job they do.
  9. Madman, why you gotta be a jerk? I'll quit posting for a release if you work on "growing up" a little, too. It's a forum, if you don't like what someone posts, ignore it. I'll respect a polite request from anyone, or a request from the mods. What you're posting? Tough. People are excited, let them be excited. At least hoppah sees what he does bring enjoyment to ppl. It's not just another person complaining. The only negativity here is you.
  10. Would you release it if we said "Please"? I'm coming up on a 72 hour shift and it would be a lot more tolerable with a brand spankin' new mod on my computer!
  11. um.....I Looove L.A.!!! We Love it!!! Don't mind us, Hoppah, we're just pacing back and forth waiting for 1.7. Can't wait! Mike, how's the freeplay coming along? Hoppah, how's your internship?
  12. The most patients I've heard LAFD choppers carry is two. I am unsure of the staffing, but I know it does not carry all the equipment people have mentioned. It carries whatever you put in it, but regularly it's just a stretcher and some Life Support Equipment. Here is a picture of the interior of the new Augusta LAFD Chopper. http://www.emergencyrigs.net/viewphoto.asp...7&Size=med_
  13. a) that's a 6 point star, yes. I don't see where it says CHP. Even if it is, what I said was that it is not an LA unit. I still stand by that statement. b)Easy. CHP absorbed Cal State Police. So Cal State Police has ceased to exist. You're wanting a pretend, imaginary police force in the game.
  14. Mike, As far as the ambulances go, does LAFD still use Wheeled Coach, or have they gone to another company?
  15. LOL!!! It's good to see an example of the State "Policia"!! LOL! I think that's the unit out of East LA. Ora Le Esse! Vatos de East LA, holmes. The unit on the left isn't even a US unit, the one on the right isn't an LA unit. There is no such thing as Cal Sate Police. the state cops in Cali is the CHP. Also, LA City FD uses type III modular ambulances with the ford E series van style chassis. They tried a freightliner once and did not purchase it in bulk. The new 2008 series grille from LA City that someone had posted earlier IS what they are ordering. It's just a new grille on the same chassis.
  16. I would argue that if someone is going to ask it on the LA Mod forum, it's LA Mod related. Yeah, people are that "stupid" (some just don't know), you know how many people ask for a doctor car or some specialty vehicle they know is being used in their country, then claim it's realistic to an LA mod. That's cool if you don't want the FAQ. It was just an idea and I thought I'd offer to help. I think you're feeling what I'm saying. If I can give you a hand with the tedious stuff, let me know. Is it possible to include a specs section that says how to just have 2 medics on a rig, or how to have more on the ladder? Also a part to change the frequency of calls and types of calls might be helpful too. Thanks Mike.
  17. These are not questions I had for Hoppah. These are just examples of questions that come up VERY often in the forums. It would be easy if there were a pdf included with the mod that answered these questions so we don't see it again and again and again in the forums. I know holding your mouse over the active call gives you a recommended response from the "CAD" system, but if your tooltips are off, it won't do that. Hence the frequent question. Oh, and holding your mouse over anything will not explain how to edit freeplayparameters.xnl, thats for sure. And there is only english audio in 911:FR and Em4 from England. If you buy Em4 Deluxe, you have to install the english audio, which is easy to do if you knew how...it's something a FAQ could explain.
  18. At first I was going to leave this alone, but if he was confused as to my post, Im sure he's not the only one. I'm chalking this up to english being a second language for this gentleman and the fact that he does not know what FAQ stands for... FAQ= Frequently Asked Questions. These are not questions I had for Hoppah. I was listing a few examples of questions that are frequently brought up in the forums. Some are more valid than others, but nonetheless all are brought up pretty regularly. If we had a txt or pdf that came with the mod that answered these questtions, that might prevent clutter in the forums. Get it? If Hoppah or Stan or MikePhotos or whoever thinks this is a good idea, I can be the one to sift through the forums and weed out the Q & A to at least get a rough draft going...thats if you want, and if I have a long enough break in my schedule
  19. Another idea After 1.7 is made, can someone make a FAQ with things like... 1) How do I install 1.7 2) How can I change specs (i.e. frequency of calls, change the number of medics/FF in a rig, etc) 3) Can Hoppah add this or that vehicle from norway or poland or germany next update? 4) How do I get into modding? 5) How does LAFD/LAPD really respond to certain types of calls? 6) How do I add American roadsigns or english audio? those are just a few off the top of my head that have been asked at least once.
  20. You're not too terribly off on this one. Most siren systems have 3 different "sirens" to them, wail (the slow wind-up-and-down), the yelp (faster version of wail), and tier/t3/phaser. The wail is primarily used for driving down the street, the yelp is used for approaching and going through intersections, and the "phaser" isn't really used in LA at all. The Hi-Lo sound other countries use has been phased out in the US. If we were improve the sirens, it'd be to use the yelp at red lights, but I just dont see that as possible, nor worthwhile to do that in this mod.
  21. It was covered before in this forum. EMTs can stabilize relatively healthy patients for transport. If the health of the patient falls below a certain level, you need a paramedic. This doesn't just apply in 1.7, you can do this now in 1.6.
  22. GOD that picture brings back memories. That's how I started in EMS...AMR in LACo. Yeah I had to oppose once to get by a semi, then the semi turned left in front of me. Everyone in the back was hanging on for dear f***ing life and I had to basically throw the steering wheel left and we, with the semi, went into a construction yard. We didn't collide, but the follow guy in Squad 30 stayed behind to tear the semi driver a new asshole. I also remember running code around 164s area was a bit scary too. No one has a (united states) driver's license there. It's literally more likely they will pull to the left or just stop in front of you before they pull to the right. I swear someone once was actually pulling left so that I would hit them. I think they wanted to sue. It was beyond being by accident. That s*** was on purpose. Thank God where i work now is a bit more sane. By the way, when I worked there, the station 8 guys were a bunch of man-sluts. Anything change?
  23. 2 points, I have never been on a airport crash/rescue rig, but the issue with using jaws on a crash vehicle falls to the main purpose of the vehicle itself. It is to extinguish aircraft fires. jet fuel burning will consume an aircraft in a matter of minutes. I remember when I flew in C-141s in the USAF, the crash guys basically told us we have 3 minutes to get the hell out before the fire consumes the entire plane. So, when would you possibly have time to use jaws? The heat is so tremendously intense from the fires, that they can't even wear standard turnouts (hence the metallic looking gear). Jaws are not practical for aircraft fire fighting. Second, and this is a big one to me. Lets NOT base missions off of current events. That train collision was a REAL event in which REAL PEOPLE have lost their lives. These people have families that are currently mourning their loss. It would ethically be a poor decision on our part to even think of making their tragedies into a game so soon after the event.
  24. Im naive to this, but couldn't you spawn the tiller trailer right behind the tiller cab when the game starts, so all it needs to do is back up to hook up? I don't know how that would effect the parking situation at station 1...
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