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Everything posted by askjeeves

  1. That's too bad, they looked like interesting models. So you completely wiped everything? Did you have any backups stored elsewhere or is everything gone?
  2. Ok, sounds good. Hope things improve for you.
  3. I don't know if you have permission to share it, but if you do, can I get copies of your protoype, models and unit folders and I can see if I can make them work in game, without replacing the vehicles you based them off?
  4. I'm from Canada, so I don't have access to actual shots of the LA emergency services lighting packages, but I'll test any light changes you make and let you know my opinion.
  5. I can't get the paramedic captains truck to work. When I copy the file over, my truck goes white in the body, but the doors and roof stay red and the truck doesn't show up clearly. I loaded the State police ambulance and the HES without issues, but this one won't work. Does anyone have any ideas why?
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