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Everything posted by TacticalRooster22

  1. Sounds interesting! Can't wait!
  2. My "Crazy Cousin Steve" was in the NAVY and was stationed all the way in Japan! The Marines require rigorous training, though. Hope everything goes well. It's quite a job!
  3. Minisink Hose Co. #1. Is that it? I got it off their site.
  4. YAY! I got A's for the school year. My dad's taking a fire dept. test soon. Hope he gets an A!
  5. I just need NFK to send me the link, I applied as FF/EMT Chuck Davis.
  6. I had to go to the hospital on vacation. I had an ear infection. It was a new hospital and was very nice, but I was there for like 2 hrs.
  7. Well, it is summer! Maybe they're on vacation...
  8. I'm GONNA be a firefighter, or work at BP.
  9. Did you send it from the site? I click "SEND" and this new page comes up asking me to create a new email account! I'll accept your friend request when my bro gets off. He hogs the Xbox. PS: How long did it take until you got the order form? I sent an email a week ago and still haven't gottan a reply. I tried sending another one. Again, these are sent from Comcast.com. I just copy/pasted the "admin@stlego..." stuff into my "To" section when I clicked "Email" on the website.
  10. I don't know who Taylor is, but HI anyway! I love playing MW2! BACK
  11. WOW! Just saw the model and E44! Looks great!
  12. Quick Question. Will the LA Acadamy's eventually be compatable with EM4/911FR? I hate the bugs! I'm really looking forward to your Realistic Submod!
  13. I'm back! Anyway, really sad pics of war. I saw Tears of the Sun on vacation. Sad war movie. My grandpa died from cancer when he was... I think 68. My dad's dad just after I was born.
  14. Cool. I just bought some shoelaces to use as hose. BTW, emergency captain, how did you send the email to order your St. Lego fire truck? I tried sending it from the site, but it made me go through all this stuff about making a new account! I sent it from my email from Comcast, it worked, but it's been a week and I didn't recieve an order form yet.
  15. Oh. Does it really matter, for say: if I wnat to add 2 more guys to the ladder. Could I just copy/paste the "dummy call crew" and the #s to the next line? EDIT: Thanks!
  16. So it really doesn't matter what the number is, as long as it isn't the same as any others?
  17. I really don't think GoW is all that fun either. My friend's are crazy for it! They're addicted. That's all they do is sit on Xbox all day. Don't get me wrong, Xbox IS fun, but I get bored of playing it after an hour or so. Non-complaint: We're going to Gatlinburg, TN, tomarrow! Complaint: It's about an 8 hr. drive from here!
  18. Well, my dad works for BP. I agree with him. He's still asking why people FULLY blame BP!? You could blame so many other people-the people who built the rig, who built the cap that failed, etc. Plus, why does BP have like 700-something records of like bad problems and law stuff? The gov. DUG through the records! Shell only had like 4, Exxon had like 8, and so on. I mean, now the gov. might run BP! Nobody likes big oil companies, but they do SO much stuff for the world. They make plastic, fuel cars, make the BBs for airsofting, and all that stuff. Yeah I know this is a lot to know for a 12 yr. old, but face it: who's to blame here?
  19. I know that but I meant like about the numbers AFTER "dummy call crew." It says like 1.5, 0.3, 0.5, etc. Is that related to someother script?
  20. I know there's a topic that tells you what you need and stuff. Just search.
  21. Yes. Most of my missions don't work, but Xplorer told me that it could be game-related.
  22. I beat this mission with a 99% rating. You just have to know what's coming, send the right units, and act quickly.
  23. TacticalRooster22


    I KNOW! I never thought this mod whould have models this awesome.
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