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Everything posted by TacticalRooster22

  1. I agree. I'm curious about how you work the different color lights. That looks realistic and interesting.
  2. I'm still talking about the submod. I know though, the paths are messed up.
  3. Just crazy. Nothing much here though. Havn't heard anything too bad lately.
  4. Cool. I've never heard of the Mellohorn, but I do know someone who plays the Frech Horn.
  5. I'd rather see this mod released for 911FR before EM2012, than it would just be a waste of time.
  6. Really looking forward to the lights, especially the Large Ambulace. It's like my favorite unit. Still, being imaginative makes for a good submod.
  7. I didn't download it yet. Should I?
  8. I don't even know what the yellow guy thing is called. But good job on the Star Wars one! Tell me what Legos you have in the "Lego" topic.
  9. Wow. That's a lot. All I know is that there have been some medical calls and some leaks at my dad's work. He'll probably get a call soon.
  10. What instument do you play? I'm a precussionist. I know. Those countries can deal with their own problems.
  11. I agree. Normally, they're taken in through the back door.
  12. Very cool. This mod is really coming along.
  13. You know what I mean. But yeah, you're right. Anyway, there could be a lot of consruction incidents: Building collapse, pipe rupture, and even burns of cuts and what not.
  14. I went golf cart sledding with my friends, and my friend Ben tried to stand up on the sled. When he stood up, I floored it and he flipped off! We got it on video, too. It was funny!
  15. It was raining here this morning. Than it was really humid. Plus, I have a cold.
  16. That's enough. You just need enough units so that people will download the first version.
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